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3 weeks later

Christmas Day.

It's supposed to be a time full of happiness with your family. Mine was in a different country, and I definitely wasn't happy.

It turned out my new treatment had quite similar side effects. My mouth was sore and I was too tired to move all the time.

I hadn't even got anyone presents.

A knock on my door startled me, properly waking up.

"Come in,"

Liam walked in, a small smile on his face.

"How are you feeling today? Think you can get dressed and have breakfast?"

"My mouth is too sore,"

"I bought you yoghurt, that shouldn't hurt. If you want, I'll brush your teeth for you since I can actually see the ulcers," he offered, pulling my duvet back a bit.

I sat up, the blood rushing to my head, then slowly stood up. Starting the day was the worst part.

He left the room so I could get changed and met me at the table where I ate my yoghurt. The house was unusually quiet.

"I haven't got you guys any presents," I mumbled, putting the empty cup down.

"We didn't expect you to,"

"I feel bad because I'm always asking to call the other guys. I do appreciate you all,"

"We know. Hun, this is an incredibly hard time for you and you don't have to apologise for anything. Are you done eating ?"

I nodded and stood up, heading to my bed again. Stacks of presents for all the boy's families were under the tree, and the thought of having a house full of everyone was not appealing to me.

Either everyone would ignore me or they'd all try and speak to me.

Liam came through, grabbing my toothbrush from the bathroom and coming over to me.

"Is it annoying if I ask you to hold my phone torch up? These light bulbs suck," he chuckled, handing me the phone when I shook my head. I held it over my head while he gently brushed my teeth, managing to avoid most of the ulcers.

"You're due another appointment soon, perhaps we can do it this week while Louis' family come. They're just as crazy as him,"

"Sounds like a plan,"

The front door opened and I suddenly realised why it was so quiet. I knew Louis had been home because I heard him snoring upstairs, but Harry and Niall must've gone out.

I sent Liam a confused look but he just shrugged and helped me up. Since it was cold and it was probably some family, I slipped a hoodie on.

"Where did you guys go?" I asked, walking into the living room.

My question was answered right there.

"Where are your bags?"

"Seriously, that's what you're most concerned about?" Michael laughed, squeezing me in a tight hug. As soon as I was in his arms, I started crying quietly.

Why did they never tell me when they were coming? He tried to pull away but I hugged him back tighter.

"There's other people here to see you love," he chuckled, holding my head against his chest.

I wiped my eyes and turned to Calum who also held me in his arms. I'd missed his hugs.

"How are you here, you should be at home with your family," I sniffed, looking up at him. The front door was still open, sending a wave of cold air through.

"How could we celebrate Christmas with our family when one of the members was all the way over here?" Michael said.

"I love you guys... fuck I've missed you guys,"

I brought them both in for a hug, jumping when there was clattering at the door.

"You guys started the emotional part without me," Luke whined, putting a bag down at the door.

I gasped and turned round, my feet glued to the floor. With Calum and Michael, I was already about to be tipped over the edge, but Luke coming pretty much chucked me off it. I stood there, burying my face in my hands and crying.

"Awh, I mean that much to you," he smiled, wrapping his arms around me. I was still sobbing when he let go, making him laugh again.

"Is this even real?" I asked, taking his hand and pulling him to the sofa. He tightly wrapped his arms round me and rubbed my back, planting a small kiss on my forehead.

"I sure hope so, otherwise this is cruel for both of us,"

He held me, trying to calm me down. My chest ached as I started to cough, the excitement being too overwhelming.

"Deep breaths,"

I rested my head on his chest, taking in his smell and copying his movement.

"All I've wanted was to be with you guys for the past two months, and now you're here. I've wanted to see you guys for so long and I just- where are you staying?"

"Well you've got us now for two weeks," Michael cheered, fist bumping me.

"We are at a hotel, you're coming with us because I know that their Christmas is not really your scene," Calum teased, taking my hand.

"Thankyou," I sighed, hearing my stomach grumble.

"Are you still hungry?"

"Yeah but it hurts to eat,"

"Well, by the time we get to the hotel they will have lunch things out. You can have soup or something," Luke offered, standing up.

I said bye to everyone while Michael packed my clothes. The taxi arrived and he came out with a bag full of things- I didn't need that much.

"What are we doing this week?" I asked as we got into the car, Calum in the front.

"Well, other then your dentist appointment on Wednesday and your hospital appointment next Friday, the rest is either not planned or a surprise," Luke smirked.

"Hm okay then, are you doing my appointment?"

"Yep. Also, you need to decide who you want to sleep with since there's only two beds,"

"Calum," I said quickly, making him laugh.

"Glad that's settled,"

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