Chapter Two : Pastel Country

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Chapter Two : Pastel Country

If you don't leave your past in the past it will destroy your future. Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.


Nicole looked at the extremely large palace in awe, She followed the other girls, being led by a nice blonde man to the front gate, "This is the front of the palace, all tours will be conducted in the East Wing, away from the Royal Family." Max stated.

Max, the tour guide then led them through the front door where the servants were cleaning. Nicole followed everyone up the large staircase, admiring the overall appearance of the royal palace.

They all stood infront of a decorative dark wooden door. "This room, Princess Anastasia designed it herself, when she was courting Prince Felix, who became King in 1802. This room was nicknamed the red room." Max, the tour guide said as he opened the door.

"Why would they call it the red room?" Natalie asked.

Once the door was opened, Nicole and the girls gaped at the beautiful room.

"This room is amazing." Lana said.

"This place is beautiful." Nicole said, sitting down in one of the red-colored chairs.

"Okay, ladies let's move on." The tour guide, Max said.

They walked out of the room and began down the hallway which lead to a hallway gallery. Nicole was amazed at the massive paintings that hung on the walls. Nicole was astonished by a large number of portraits.

"That's a lot of people." Paige said.

"There's a lot of history lined up on these walls." Max said.

"Who is this?" Brie asked pointing to a portrait of a young man, it looked like it was recently taken.

"That's His Majesty, King James III, he's the current monarch." Max answered.

"Oh wow, he's cute." Nia said.

"Tell us more about him." Nicole said, staring at James' portrait oddly enough it made her want to discover more about the king.

"King James III was born on the 12 June 1982. His full name is James Henri Albert Richard. He began his reign 10 January 2007 when his father King Henri II died of a heart attack on 10 January 2007. His coronation was on 12 June 2007. He is also a widow and has a daughter, Crown Princess Danica, who will be the first Queen of Borduria in Bordurian history." Max said.

"What happened to his wife?" Nicole asked.

"She was killed in a car accident." Max answered.

"Oh my God, that's so sad." Brie said.

"Is it weird that almost all royals die in car accidents?" Paige asked.

"Moving on." Max said, as they approached the most recent painting that was put up in the room.

"Who is that?" Trinity asked, looking at the woman in the painting, she was young and dressed in blush pink with a royal tiara placed upon her head and a yellow sash on her.

"That's Queen Michelle, the late Queen of Borduria. This was painted before her death. The King had put up in memory of her." Max said.

"She was beautiful." Nia said.

They moved on with the tour, soon the girls had seen the royal throne room, the royal dining room, the back courtyard, the stables, the lovers garden, and other areas.


"Leona!" James exclaimed as we walked into his younger sister's messy room. "Leona!" He said as he pushed some of her clothes to the said to make a pathway. "Leona, where are you?" He asked.

"Oh hey, James!" Leona said as she peeked her head up from the side of the bed

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"Oh hey, James!" Leona said as she peeked her head up from the side of the bed.

"What are you doing? Why is your room a mess? Where is Danica?" James asked.

"I'm looking for something and my room isn't a mess and I don't know go and ask her governess." Leona answered.

"Leona, can you please stop looking for whatever it is because I need to talk to you." James said.

"What?" Leona asked.

"What is that I hear about you skipping on public engagements?" James replied.

"I do not know what you are talking about." Leona said.

"Leona, father would be so disappointed in you." James said.

"It's not a big deal, James." Leona said.

"Leona, remember what father used to say-" James was about to say before Leona interrupted him.

"The life we live is not fully our own. Blah, blah. I've heard that saying more than enough in my lifetime." Leona said rolling her eyes.

"Leona, this is very serious, you need to do better, you are not a child." James said.

"Can you please leave?" Leona asked.

"You cannot keep acting out like this, Leona." James replied, ignoring her request.

"I can act however I see fit, now leave my bedroom, James, you're aggravating me." Leona said.

"I cannot keep covering up for you." James said walking out of Leona's bedroom.

"I never asked you to!" Leona yelled after him.


"Brie, I'm going to use the restroom." Nicole said as she walked away from the group and went in search of a bathroom. She remembered that the tour guide said there was a restroom around here.

As Nicole walked down the long hall, she looked at all the huge portraits hanging on the wall. She was so focused on the photos that she didn't notice she wondered into the part of the palace reserved for the royal family.

"Who are you?" A little girl asked.

Nicole jumped back from the little girl.

"Oh my God, you scared me." She replied.

"You cannot be on this side of the palace." The little girl said.

"Sorry, I was looking for the restroom." Nicole said.

"Okay, follow me. What's your name?" The little girl asked.

"Nicole, what's your name?" Nicole replied.

"Danica." The little girl said.

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