Chapter Four : Ahora Dice

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Chapter Four : Ahora Dice

Being compassionate doesn’t mean that you’re always kind, caring and sensitive towards others. It means that despite what has happened to you during the day you choose not to contribute to the suffering of others and sometimes that is enough.


"Hello?" Nicole asked, answering her phone.

"Hello, Nicole, it's Meghan. I hope I didn't interrupted anything." Meghan said.

"Hi, Meghan. No you're not interrupting. What can I do for you?" Nicole replied.

"I was calling to invite to you lunch." Meghan said.

"Sure, what time?" Nicole asked.

"Great, how about this afternoon at the palace." Meghan answered.

"That's good." Nicole said.

"Great, see you then." Meghan said.

"Alright, see you later." Nicole said.


Nicole walked up the palace's steps and a man opened the door for her. Nicole walked inside the palace.

One of the doors in the foyer opened and Meghan came out. She was wearing a lovely midi dress in red, her hair loose and flowing smoothly over her shoulders.

"Nicole! I'm so glad you could come." Meghan said as Nicole found herself swept into a warm hug and she laughed as she greeted her hostess.

"Thank you for having me over." Nicole said.

"Thank you for agreeing to come over. Us, girls need to stick together especially with being with two of the world's most eligible bachelors." Meghan said.

"Oh no, King James and I are not a couple. I only met him yesterday and that was because I got lost in the palace." Nicole said.

"Oh, well you guys didn't look like you two only met yesterday. But I have a feeling you two will be something soon." Meghan said.

"I'm enjoying being single for now plus no man in his position will ever notice me." Nicole said.

"I used to say the same thing but look at me now. Don't count yourself out, Nicole." Meghan said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Nicole said.

"Great, now let's have some lunch." Meghan said.

"That sounds like a great plan!" Nicole said.

And so the evening went with wonderful company, enjoyable food and easy conversation. Nicole was sad to find out that Meghan and Harry were leaving in a day since Harry had royal duties to atttend to.


"Was that Nicole?" I asked, walking up the steps of the front of the palace as the rental car drove out of the driveway.

"Yes, I invited her over for lunch." Meghan answered.

"Must have been fun?" I asked.

"Yes, we had a great time. You know if you want to see her, you should invite her over for dinner." Meghan said.

"Who said I wanted to see her?" I replied.

"Your facial expression did." She said.

"Mhm okay, I don't even have her number." I said.

"Yes, you do." She said, walking away.

"Dad!" Danica exclaimed running outside to me.

"Yes, Danica." I said.

"Can we invite Ms. Nicole for dinner?" She asked.

"Sure, why not." I answered.

"She's really pretty and knows how to have fun." She said.


"Hello?" I heard her ask as she answered the phone.

"Hello, Nicole?" I asked.

"Yes, who is this?" Nicole replied.

"Hello, it's James, I got your number from Meghan. Umm...Danica was telling me how she had fun with you today." I said.

"Oh, hi, James. Yes, she's amazing little girl. I had so much fun with her." She said.

"That's good. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and have dinner with us." I said.

"Tonight?" She asked.

"Yes, tonight at 6:30." I answered.

"Okay." She said then went quiet.

"Meghan and Harry will be there too." I added.

"Oh okay." She said.

"It's at the palace." I said.

"Great, I'll see you at 6:30." She said.



It was almost 6:30 when Nicole got out of her bed and started getting ready. She put on a beautiful red dress. She added some light makeup to her face and left her hair down.

She heard a knock on her door and she knew it was Brie. She opened the door and let her in.

"I can't believe you're having dinner with the royal family, and you look great." Brie said sitting on her sister's bed.

Nicole looked at her and said, "Thanks and I know it's crazy and I think Meghan and I are getting close."

"I think you two will be great friends just don't forget about me." Brie said.

"Trust me, I won't." Nicole said, grabbing her purse.

"Good luck, Nicole." Brie said as she watched her sister walk out of the room.


Nicole arrived to the palace and like earlier she was greeted by the man standing at the door and entered the palace. James walked down the stairs as Nicole stood nearby.

"Hello, Nicole." James said.

"Hi." Nicole said.

James looked at her and said "You look nice, Nicole." which made Nicole blush.

"TTh...thanks, you look pretty handsome yourself." Nicole said, blushing.

James grinned and took her hand in his "Let's go." He said leading her into the dining room where Meghan, Harry, Danica, and Leona were sitting at the table.

"Everyone, Nicole has arrived." James said as Danica let out a squeal and got out of her chair and ran towards Nicole, hugging her.

"Hi, Coco." Danica said.

"Hi, Nica." Nicole said as Leona smirked, watching her niece and the look on James' face.

"Nicole, sit next to me." Leona said.

"Okay." Nicole said walking over to sit next to Leona. James took his sit at the head of the table which was next Nicole. Meghan smiled as Nicole blushed at having to sit next to James.

"This is going to be an interesting dinner." Leona said.

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