Chapter Five : All The Stars

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Chapter Five : All The Stars

Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time? My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.

|November 2017🍂🍁🍃

Clarence House

The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle.

94.8K ❤

5:00 AM - Nov 27, 2017



"Oh my God, congratulations to you and Harry. I'm so excited for you two." I said on the phone.

"Thank you, Nicole. I hope you and James are still trying to work on your supposed friendship." Meghan said.

"Honestly, Meghan, I can't even tell you anything about James and I. He's so confusing and honestly I don't want to be in another relationship where I lose myself." I said.

"Nicole, you need to communicate with him. See where his head is at before you do anything drastic." Meghan said.

"I know but I hope you and Harry come to visit before you both get too busy for me." I said.


A very dramatic video from Nikki Bella, who feels like ‘the phoenix’

Above is a video put out on the Bella Twins YouTube channel that is trying really hard to be artistic so Nikki Bella can explain her feelings on her WWE comeback during a tour through Europe. She gets real dramatic about it:

“It’s crazy because I looked... like, this comeback for me was totally like... I kind of felt like the phoenix. I had the biggest fall you could ever have in life, literally like ashes to the ground. I think to have recognized in life who the next Nikki is, and I don’t mean to say that I just think you sometimes have to realize that we go through different chapters in our life. You have this part of your life and that door closes, and then there’s more that open. That’s what life is. You can’t love anyone so much until you love you the most. So I’m kind of excited for this unknown, to see this. Because what a lot of people don’t understand, too, is coming back here was so soon for me because this was a place that I loved so much with someone else, where I found true love. And it just feels like my heart isn’t healed and so it makes it hard because everything is a memory, an amazing beautiful memory. So I kind of just want to walk into that unknown and feel magic. And see what I’m going to have to struggle with, what I’m going to have to survive, what I’m going to have to conquer, another barrier I’m going to have to break -- it excites me, I like the challenge.”

There’s a real lack of perspective there, but pain is relative, I guess.


"Hello?" James heard her ask as she answered the phone.

"Hello, Nicole?" James asked.

"Yes, Hi, James." Nicole replied.

"How was your day? By the way, Danica and Leona loved the gifts you brought them." James said.

"My day was eventful, I was actually going to call you and oh I'm glad they loved them. I knew they would." Nicole said.

"That's good. I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me." James said.

"Tonight?" She asked.

"Yes, tonight at 6:30." James answered.

"Okay." She said then went quiet.

"I'm landing in San Diego at 4." He said.

"Oh thank God, I didn't want to point out how we both weren't in the same place." She said.

"Very funny, Nicole." He said.


|james 👑

After having arrived at his destination, James parked his car right next to the front door of the Château du Coudreceau and then, after scooping up the roses and then getting out, made his way towards the front door and rang the doorbell.

A few moments later, the door opened and Nicole stepped outside. She wore a beautiful red strapless dress that reached down to her knees along with a silver necklace around her neck, and her straight black hair hung loosely down to her back. Never had James seen a sight more beautiful in his life.

"Wow Nicole, you look absolutely amazing." James said.

"Why thank you, James,", she responded to his compliment with a warm smile. "And you yourself look very handsome." She said then she noticed the red roses he was holding and asked him, "Would that lovely bouquet by any chance be for me?"

"Indeed they are. I hope you like it." James responded as he handed them to her, really hoping that Nicole would indeed appreciate the roses he'd picked.

The reason he had picked red roses was because for some reason, the color red seemed in his mind to reflect her as a person.

"They're absolutely beautiful, James, I love them." Nicole replied with great happiness as she held the roses, reassuring James that he had made the right choice.

"So are you ready to go? I have our table reserved at the restaurant we'll be going to." James said.

"Very much so, please lead the way." Nicole said eagerly as she tucked her arm under James' and allowed him to lead her to his car. Once there, James helped Nicole into the car and then moved to the driver's side and got inside after which he began the drive towards the restaurant where they would be spending their sixth date together.


|December 2017🎅🎄🎁

Nikki Bella moves on from John Cena with King James II of Borduria

Nikki Bella is dating King James II of Borduria after her shocking split from John Cena, according to reports.

The 34-year-old had previously revealed she was dating again after her high-profile breakup with the wrestling legend last April.

A source has told People that "they've been spending time together for a long time, but it's nothing serious right now.

"They have a strong attraction to each other, but they're just having fun. They're both extremely busy with their own careers, so they spend time together when they can."

Bella, real name Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Colace, had been in a six-year relationship with Cena and the two memorably got engaged during WrestleMania 33.

The WWE power couple shocked the wrestling world when they called off their wedding weeks before tying the knot, with rumors circulating that Cena was reluctant to have children.

But the 41-year-old had vowed to undo his vasectomy in a bid to win Bella back. However, Bella then revealed at the end of last year that she was dating again and reportedly had enjoyed making her ex-fiancé jealous by dating "The Bachelorette" star Peter Kraus.

Her return to the dating scene was teased in a new trailer for the upcoming season of "Total Bellas" which reportedly will see the wrestler go on dates with Kraus.

The new couple reportedly were spotted together at the farmers' market in Studio City, California, over Christmas.

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