Chapter Six : Royal Wedding '18

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Chapter Six : Royal Wedding '18

If I had a flower for every time you made me laugh or smile, I would have an endless garden to walk with you in.

|January 2018🎉🌹🍃


His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales requests the pleasure of the company of Nicole Garcia-Colace at the marriage of his royal highness Prince Henry of Wales with Ms. Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on Saturday, 19th May 2018 at 12 noon followed by a reception at Windsor Castle.

Two weeks later, the mail had held a big surprise for her in the form of an invitation to the Royal Wedding and a packet with a note from Meghan's assistant informing Nicole that a room had been secured for her in London if she would like to attend the nuptials. The packet held further information about times and where her seat would be and how she'd be able to catch rides with some of the other guests on the wedding day. There was also mention that Meghan and Harry would enjoy having her company at the two receptions that followed the ceremony.

Nicole was excited to attend the wedding of two people who she considered more than friends. She was nervous about the attention that comes along with attending such a public affair especially since she would see him.


He’d taken her by surprise. She’d come to Borduria looking for adventure, one last hurray before she went back to San Diego and settled for a quiet life there. She’d never expected everything that happened in the last few months. She’d never expected to make friends who were more like family. She’d never expected to have a king courting her. 

|james 👑

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales requests the pleasure of the company of King James II of Borduria at the marriage of his royal highness Prince Henry of Wales with Ms. Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on Saturday, 19th May 2018 at 12 noon followed by a reception at Windsor Castle.

"Dad, are you attending the wedding?" Danica asked.

"Yes, of course." I answered.

"With Nicole?" Leona asked.

"I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do." I replied.

"Are you sure you guys are together?" Danica asked.

"I'm not sure." I responded.

"Have you guys talked about your relationship?" Leona asked.

"We talked but I guess not enough." I answered.

"Well, I hope you have it figured out by the wedding." Leona said.


Saturday, 19 May 2018


The area around St George's Chapel was controlled chaos. Nicole stepped out of the car and began her way to the entry. 

The steward motioned for Nicole to enter the Chapel. Then another steward lead Nicole to her sit which was up close to the altar. Meghan had informed Nicole that she would be sitting next to her mother so she wouldn't feel alone. Nicole was honored that Meghan had trusted her enough to give her mother support during each an emotional day for her, seeing as her daughter was getting married.

James entered the chapel and Nicole watched him as he tool his seat nearby. James watched as people tried to figure out who Nicole was. He knew who she was. He was going to enjoy being by her side at the festivities after the wedding. That is, if she'd allow him to do so.

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