Chapter Three : How Many Times

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Chapter Three : How Many Times

"If you don’t actively make a choice to try and play against how people see you, then it’s never going to happen."


I followed Danica down the long hallway as she held my hand.

"You have pretty long hair." Danica said.

"Thank you, and you have pretty dimples." I said.

"Thank you." She said, opening a door and entering as I followed her in.

"Danica, this a bedroom, where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Through that door." She answered, pointing to the slightly opened door.

"Fine, stay here, Danica." I said walking towards the door and pushing it open. It was a gigantic bathroom. I quickly closed the door.


I entered my bedroom to find my daughter sitting on my bed staring at the bathroom door.

"Danica, where have you been? How many times have I told you, you can't just run off and disappear like that." I said.

"Sorry, daddy." Danica said, pouting.

"That's not going to work this time." I said.

Then the bathroom door opened to reveal the woman I seen from the window. She's even more beautiful up close. She let out a gasp.

"Are you done?" Danica asked her.

"Yes, I am." She answered.

"Danica, what is a stranger doing in my chambers?" I asked, my daughter.

"Daddy, she got lost and needed to use the bathroom." Danica answered.

"So you couldn't have her used the several bathrooms in the hallway?" I asked.

"I wanted her to be comfortable." Danica replied.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, don't be mad at her." The woman said.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"It's Nicole." She answered.

"Well, Nicole, you would be surprised to know that Danica has been pulling a lot of stunts lately and now she's going to be grounded." I said.

"Grounded!?!" Danica exclaimed.

"Yes, now go to your room and make sure you stay there too while I return Miss Nicole to her tour guide group." I said.

"Yes, sir." Danica said.

"Good." I said as Danica marched out of the room and headed to her bedroom. "Now, Miss Nicole, where was the last place your group was touring?" I asked as I opened the door for her to head out first with me following her.

"We were to headed to the hall of independence declaration of Borduria." Nicole said.

"Oh good, so where are you from?" I asked.

"I was born in San Diego, California and raised on a farm in Scottsdale, Arizona. I lived in Tampa, Florida for six years before moving back to San Diego." Nicole answered, nervously.

"Nicole, there's no reason to be nervous around me. I'm just a regular person." I said.


"A regular person with a royal title that can have me beheaded." I said. He laughed.

"Well that is true, but we haven't had a beheading in over 90 years, so I think you're safe so just relax." He said.

Run To You ↘ Nikki Bella & Artem ChigvintsevWhere stories live. Discover now