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  This idea came to me while writing a Stucky fic I will post later. I must say this is competently opposite of what I normally write and it is hard to write, but if I do not write it, the idea will now leave me alone .

Tony often wondered why Steve stayed with him after all this time. They had a great relationship for years, a happy marriage even. Then they adopted Peter, a six year old with sparkling eyes. After that, Tony couldn't seem to go anything correctly. Steve lashed out when ever something didn't go his way. After ten years, Tony still covered when ever Steve's jaw tightened or his blue eyes flashed. Tony didn't dare speak out about it because he feared for Peter;s safety. It was safer for the both of them if Tony just did as he was told and keep his husband happy.

The first time it happened, Tony had just gotten back from a visit with May Parker. She had worked for Tony for years and he considered her a sister. Peter was in bed and Steve was very obviously drunk.

"Babe I'm back!" Tony calls, pulling his coat off and hanging it in the living room closet. He didn't hear a response so he went looking. Maybe he had fallen asleep with Peter again.

Tony goes upstairs, to Peter's room and peaked in. Steve wasn't there. Tony crept inside and knelt by the bedside. Before he knew what was happening, Peter had rolled over and clung to him.

"Hey baby." Tony smiles and kisses his head, but pauses when he hears Peter snifle. "Peter? What's wrong love?"

"Papa's mad. He's scaring me."

"What do you mean? Talk to me."

"He said....he said you 'are screwing that no-good bitch whore May Parker'. But doesn't Aunt May like Ms. Potts?"

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it. You just go to sleep and I'll fix this."

Tony kissed his head and stands, going to find his husband. Steve was in the kitchen, nursing a whiskey.

"Hey." Tony moves forward and kisses his cheek. "Are you okay?"

Steve glares at him, not answering. He downs his drink and slams the glass down before looking over. Tony jumps back, his pulse skyrocketing.

"Stevie?" Tony squeaked.

"You've been fucking her haven't you?"

"What?!? Who?"

"Don't lie to me Tony."

"Steve I have-"

The slap came out of nowhere and made Tony stumble back. He brings his hand up to his cheek, tears pricking his eyes.

"I told you not to lie to me."

"Steve I'm not lying to you. I have never lied to you! I've not had sex with any woman in over fifteen years. I'm gay for god's sake!"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU FUCKING YOUR PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER?!?" Steve yells and strikes him again. Tony falls to the floor, hitting his head against the cabinets.

"Steve...." Tony whimpers. Steve doesn't answer and Tony can hear him leave the room. Then the bathroom door slammed.

"Daddy?" A soft, scared voice asked. Peter.

Tony cursed, pulling himself up to a sitting position. "Come here Peter." He says softly, holding his arm out. Peter hurries over, throwing his arms around Tony's neck tightly. "It's okay baby. I'm okay." He whispers. "I'll fix this I promise."

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