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Stephen wakes early, as always, and looks at the clock. It was almost five and it was Monday so he had rounds. Carefully detangling himself from Tony's sleeping figure, he slips out of the bed and quietly begins to dress. After dressing, Stephen makes his way to the kitchen. He starts coffee and turns to get a coffee mug. He sits it on the counter and turns around.

"Peter?" He asked, rubbing his face with a yawn. "What are you doing up so early?"

Peter looked up from where he was huddled at the table. "I couldn't sleep." He says softly. "I just have a really bad feeling about all of this."

Stephen sits across from him as the coffee pot wired behind him.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's just..." Peter sighs. "What if Steve gets away with it? What if-"

"Peter, he isn't going to get away with this. I will make sure of it. And so will you. And so will Peggy and her entourage."

"But what if we fail and he gets off? I did some research and he might not even get arrested. He might just get fined and that could just serve to piss him off more."

Stephen stares at the teen across from him for a moment. He felt lost on what to say.

"Peter, I will do everything in my power to keep you and your father safe. I'm just so sorry I waited so long. I should have stepped in sooner."

"You did step in before it was too late and that's what matters." Peter paused. "I wish I was strong enough to stand up to him. I was-am- a coward."

"Peter, you're sixteen. You shouldn't have to be standing up to people like Steve Rogers. You should be worrying about a huge math exam or something."

Peter gives a small smile. "I'm really good at math."

Stephen chuckles. "Of course you are."

"Dad says it's in my genes. Even though I'm adopted. Like fate or something."

"Yes, I believe that." Stephen gets up as the coffee pot dings. "Coffee?"He asks.

Peter shakes his head. "That stuff is gross."

Stephen chuckles again as he pours the coffee into a mug. "Yeah but you do get used to it. Liquid energy."

"I think I'll stick to Mountain Dew. Taste better and cheaper."

"It's also bad for you."

"Coffee is worse." Peter retorts.

"Touche." Stephen smiles and takes a drink.

"Hey Mister Doctor?"

Stephen looks up. "Yes?"

"Did you ever want kids?"

Stephen is quiet for a moment. FInally he says. "I did. I do. I just never found the right person to settle down with. So I just kind of took in other people's kids. Like Dr. Marivella and Nurse Palmer. And now you." The words just spilled out without a thought.

"You mean it?" Peter asks, not looking up.

"I do. I think it is fair to say I have gotten attached over the years."

A small smile spread across Peter's face. "Yeah. Me too."

Checking the time, Stephen quickly downs the rest of his coffee. "I have to go. I'm late. Have a great day and I'll see you tonight."

"Have fun and save some lives today Doc." Peter waves.

"I'll do my best." Stephen assures as he slips on his jacket and leaves.

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