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Tony stared up at Steve, with his mouth open a little. Steve stared down at him with the 'Steve Rogers Stare of Disappointment'.


"Tony. I knew I'd find you here."

"I wasn't aware you were looking for me."

Behind him, Tony feels Stephen wrap his fingers around his wrist. The action was oddly comforting. Tony clenches his jaw and stared up at Steve.

"WellI haven't seen you in week. As your husband, I was concerned."

"I assume that Natasha came to see you, correct?" Tony asked, taking a half step back towards Stephen.

"Yes. We need to talk about that Tony."

"No, Steve, we don't."

Steve reaches for him and Tony flinches away.

"Don't touch me Steve Rogers."

"Tony." Steve's voice changes, hardens. "Are you really going to make a scene here of all places?"

"I am here to support my son. What's your excuse? You never come to the games or competitions. So what gives?"

"We need to talk Tony."

"I have nothing to say to you." Tony moves to shove past him but Steve catches his wrist in a tight grip, making Tony gasp loudly as that arm was finally starting to heal.

"I'm not done speaking to you."

"Steve-that hurts. Let me go."

"You will not walk away when I'm talking to you."

People around them were starting to take notice when Stephen stepped in. He wrapped his long nimble fingers around Steve's wrist and digging one into the pressure point just blow his hand. Steve's hand opens automatically and he yelps, jerking back.

"What the fuck was that?" He demanded.

"He said to let go. I suggest you leave before the cops are involved." Stephen says, deadly calm.

Steve glares at the pair.

"I will see you Monday when we go to talk about this."

Tony doesn't answer and pushes past and out of the bleachers to find Peter before his break was over. Stephen follows, and Tony turns toward him.

"Thank you." He whispers.

"I really don't like him." Stephen answers, taking Tony's good hand and squeezing gently. "I also hate seeing you get hurt Tony. I care about both you and Peter. A lot."

Before Tony could answer, Peter came barreling over, Shuri behind him. Both teens were pink cheeked and bright eyed from performing.

"Hey guys! It was crazy hard to find you. The crowd is huge." Peter says, winded.

"Peter, it's homecoming. Biggest game of the year." Shuri playfully bats the back of his head.

Peter swats her hand away and smiles before looking at Tony.

"You okay dad?"

Tony nods a little and looks away. "I'm great.. Just a long day. You were amazing out there. Both of you."

"Oh thanks Mr. Stark."

"Just Tony kid. Mr. Stark is my dad."

"Right. Well thanks anyway."

"How about we go get pizza afterwards? My treat?" Stephen suggests.

"You mean it?" Peter's eyes go wide.

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