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Steve didn't go home after he left Tony in that parking lot. Instead, he went to the hospital where Bucky worked. He was tired of looking at Tony's mopy ass face and he needed to see someone he could actually stand to look at. Plus he missed Bucky. He hadn't seen him in almost three days. He picks up his phone and calls the top number on his speed dial. It rang twice before the line was picked up.

"Stevie?" Bucky's voice was a bit gruff and it drove Steve crazy.

"Hey sexy. You busy?" He asked.

Bucky laughs. "Nope. Come see me?"

"I'm already on my way." Steve says, pulling his jacket back on. Might as well make something out of tonight, since he already got dressed up and all.

The drive to the hospital was short and Steve was already in a better mood. He parked in his usual spot and gets out, finding Bucky waiting for him in the lobby.

"You look absolutely amazing." Bucky says, pulling him close by his collar.

"Yeah, well I wanted to go out tonight but when we did, Tony did nothing but make eyes at Stephen Strange."

"The cokiest bastard in the state." Bucky rolls his eyes and pulls Steve into a deep kiss. "I like you all dressed up, but next time, wear your uniform?"

"Of course. Anything for you." Steve says with a smirk as Bucky takes his hand and tugs him toward an on-call room. Steve pushes Bucky against the door, reaching over and turning the lock.

Bucky lets out a soft growl and Steve just chuckle. "I love it when you do that." He says, leaning forward to kiss him deeply. Bucky growls again and presses against him. Bucky tasted and felt so much different than Tony. Tony soft, timid, and careful and tasted like honey and cinnamon. Bucky was rough and calloused and tasted like cigars. Steve kisses the doctor hungrily and none too gently.

"God I've missed you." Bucky groans between kisses.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." Steve says, running his teeth over the curve of Bucky' neck. He feels Bucky shiver beneath him before he bit down and sucked a mark into the hard muscle.

"You should be." Bucky gasped. "I was going crazy."

"Oh you big baby." Steve laughs, pulling back a little before tugging Bucky towards one of the beds. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Bucky laid back, up on his elbows. "Is that so?"

"Mmm." Steve smiles and crawls over him, straddling his lap and sliding his hands up under the scrub top. His fingers spread out over the muscle of Bucky's chest and he pushes the shirt up. Bucky took a hint and pulls the shirt up and off. Steve then leaned down and begins to bite and kiss at the newly exposed skin. He wanted to take his time and draw this out as he knew Tony wouldn't be looking for him. He ran his teeth over Bucky's nipples,the most sensitive part on his body-which Steve discovered by accident. Bucky whines,arching his back.

"Stevie.... Don't tease me!"

"Okay okay." Steve rolls his hips forward, slowly. The drag made Bucky groan again and even Steve couldn't hold back a moan. He does it again, faster and longer, Bucky slapped his hands down on Steve's ass and snakes his hands under the fabric of Steve's pants, squeezing the soft flesh. Steve pushes his hips back into the hands on his back side groaning as deft and searching fingers spread his ass cheeks and run over his hole. Steve tenses and pulls up.

"Okay okay. Someone's impatient." Steve chuckles and kisses him once more before pulling away and pulling his belt off. He tosses it to the floor along with his pants.

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