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Stephen wakes to find Tony tucked into his chest. The shorter man had his eyes closed but he was mumbling in incoherent Italian. He catches his name-or was he referring to Steve? It was terrible having the same name as the person of your affection's ex. Tony's fingers twist in in the fabric of Stephen's shirt.

"Please....Stephen .... toccami ... ho bisogno di te ...." There was a whimper before Tony's hips pushed forward.

Stephen gasped in shock and gently shook Tony's shoulders. "Tony." He whispers. "Wake up. Please." This was driving him crazy but the situation was wrong. Tony pushes against him again and Stephen bites back a moan. "Tony!" He hisses. He pushes against Tony's shoulders and the smaller man jerks awake.

"Stephen?" He asked groggily.

"Hey..." Stephen whispers, propping up on one elbow.

"What's going on?"

"You were dreaming I think."

Tony stared at him for a moment before sitting up and pushing Stephen onto his back.

"Tony, what-"

Tony straddles him, looking down. "I dreamed about you."

"Yes, I got that." Stephen smiles. "You going to tell me what about?"

"I think," He leaned down, mouthing at Stephen's neck. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Stephen groans. "Tony are you sure you want to do this?"

"Don't you want me Stephen?" Tony's voice was soft and low and made all of Stephen's blood run south. "You do!" He rolls his hips back with a moan.

Stephen's hands go up to Tony's waist and he groans softly. "Tony..."

Tony moves and hovers his lips just over Stephen's before pulling away. "I-I can't. I'm sorry." He scrambles back, off of Stephen's lap. Stephen sits up.

"It's okay Tony." Stephen reaches for him. Tony flinches away and Stephen drew his hand away.
"I'm sorry Stephen. I just....I'm still married. And I can't stoop to his level. I can't...I have to be good. For Peter."

"Tony, listen to me."

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I didn't mean to get you all worked up and-"

"Tony calm down." Stephen pleads.

"I'm so stupid, asking you to sleep with me. And then I caused this and-"

"Anthony! Stop talking for two seconds!" Stephen's snapped before slapping his hand over his mouth. He didn't mean to raise his voice.

Tony's jaw snaps shut and his eyes widen. He edges back, bringing his hands up to the sides of his head with a soft whimper.

"Tony..shit...I'm sorry. I didn't mean-I didn't mean to yell." Stephen leans over a little, keeping his voice soft as he reaches over. The way Tony flinches away breaks Stephen's heart. "Tony?"

"I'm sorry. I'll shut up. Just please-please don't hurt me."

"Tony I'm not going to hurt you. I never would. Because I-" Stephen stops, the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air. Tony peeks up at him, his hands still on his ears. Instead of answering, Tony stands.

"I should get ready for work. I'm meeting Thor today at one."


"It's fine Stephen. I know I can be irritating at times, especially when I get going on one of my rants."

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