Chapter 01

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It was there in the school where they met for the first time, a classic all-boys private Roman Catholic school - the primary school sector, which has the same strict rules.

Taeyong was weeping in one of the church stools facing the cross on the white, mostly empty wall. It was dark in the room, the candles for the one's whoom had passed were the only thing that lit the room up.

Little eight year old Taeyong weeped and weeped, wiping his tears on the sleeve of his green tartan and grey school uniform. His small whimpers echoed through the hall.

A small creak came from the wooden, large doors, then the clicking of footsteps were made, to then be halted at the little Taeyong.

His tear-ridden face looked up at a boy who was around the same age as him. His uniform was finely pressed and fresh, crisp looking. His hair combed neatly to the side except for a couple stands trailing off into his right eye, he had a stern and serious face; even though he was a young boy.

'Why are you crying? I'm trying to do my homework.' The boy crossed his arms. 'Hush it, will you?' He had a posh and more-literate tongue compared to Taeyong: who was brought up in an average middle-class family to this school.

He only continued to sob. 'S-s-sorrwy...'

The boy sighed and rolled his eyes. 'It's sorry, not sorrwy.' He began to tap his foot impatiently.

Taeyong sniffed, making a small hiccup due to crying for too long.

The boy smiled. 'Try to drop the stutter and maybe it will be more proper.'

Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows. 'Wh-what's a s-stutter?'

'What you just did obviously.' The boy then made Taeyong budge up on the stool so he could sit beside him.

Taeyong nodded slowly. 'Oh... O.K.'

'My father told me that boy's shan't cry outloud. It is disgraceful.'

Taeyong lowered his gaze.
'I-' He sucked air in. 'M-my mum used to say to not...'

The boy had rolled his eyes again. 'What did I tell you, the stutter. It's also... my mum said to cry. But oh well, fair-enough.' He sighed at Taeyong who gave him the sharp eye. 'What is it cry-baby?'

Taeyong whined loudly. 'B-bwut my mum isn't even here, my dad too!'

The boy's face went pale.

He fixed his tie and cleared his throat, not even apologising for his mistake and also never hearing such a story of death to someone he had seen in school. 'Wh-what do you mean, passed-away?' This was the first orphan the boy had ever encountered of course, his lovely parents told him most orphan's had physical and mental problems that lead to their parents discarding their children. He had never heard of a child not having parents at all, being wrapped-up in cotton wool takes a toll on your mind.

Taeyong hesitated but he nodded slowly.
He looked at the boy's face as the he looked away, the candle-light had caught his frozen, blank expression. Taeyong had eventually stopped crying.

The boy raised a handkerchief from his inner-pocket and gave it to Taeyong while still looking in the opposite direction. 'If you use your sleeve it will look mucky, the other children will make fun of you.' He avoided Taeyong's eye-contact.

'My birth name is Jeffrey Jung the II. But my Korean name is simply Jung Jaehyun. Pleasure meeting you.' He stuck his hand out for Taeyong to shake, which Taeyong gratefully shook after taking the hankercheif with his other hand and dabbing it on his eyes gently.

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