Chapter 27

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After a long dose of sleep which Taeyong managed to get after shoving Jaehyun out of the door late at night after having a deep convosation to leave Jaehyun satisfied with at least something.

Chittapon was surprised at how Taeyong didn't let Jaehyun take over him, so they sat on the couches again, doing the same ritual they had been since they arrived. It became a bit of a habit, talking on the couch with one another, the window on the wall beside the couch let a bright morning light in and a beam shone in the space between them like a wall.

Chittapon had his ebony-black hair combed back into a baseball cape, meanwhile Taeyong had the bright idea. 'You know, the bet?' He raised the subject up and Chittapon looked up from his phone which he was reasonably focused on beforehand. 'Yeah-huh?'

'Let's make it harder.'

Chittapon's brow was raised in suspicion.

Taeyong reached down and grabbed one of the buiscuits from the tray and began nibbling on it before saying 'we have to flirt with them, constantly.'

Chittapon let a huff of laughter escape his lungs before realising Taeyong was serious. 'That will get us both-' he thought about getting his revenge with Johnny by doing that and leaving the boy more thirsty, which made him rethink about disagreeing. Then Taeyong noticed he was thinking the same as Chittapon, and they just exchanged a thumbs up.

Taeyong and Chittapon then got dressed from their pajamas and trotted out of the 'room' and down the familiar fancy corridoor that had a very similar appearance to inside of the 'room.'

They took the elevator, as they were about to press ground floor button, someone put their hand inbetween the doors that were about to close and quickly rushed in with another figure under his wing.

Taeyong turned to see it was Mark and Haechan. He raised his brow, then Mark realised it was them.
'Having a nice time eh?' Ten chuckled quietly, and he pressed the button.

Haechan pouted. 'Yh!'

Then Ten decided to change the convocation to what they were trying to do with Jaehyun and Johnny and the bet. The other two began laughing, that's when Mark moved his hand from Haechan and clapped. 'I want to see this.' He was as intrigued as Haechan who nodded.

The elevator tinged as it opened, the four of them stepped out and Chittapon tugged Taeyong in the direction to the restaurant as his stomach was growling and yelling at Chittapon to eat.

Mark tutted, he then shook his head before going in the direction to the entrance, deciding to go on a walk with Haechan.

Meanwhile, we hadn't heard much from Jisung and Chenle? Well the two of them well... they weren't even treating this trip like a holiday because they found the latest version of a video game console in their 'room' and began binging it, no-doubtedly playing Overwatch. The two of them were competitive in that retrospect, but Taeyong waa certain that Jisung was just competitive in general from what he had seen.

As Chittapon found the buffet and made sure to load on all of the nice things he could find, like croissants, bacon, eggs and all inbetween. His plate was almost overflowing.

Taeyong just picked up an apple.
Chittapon starred at Taeyong in outrage to just choosing an apple: 'Just an apple?!' Which Taeyong nodded and replied, 'I don't have a big stomach.'

They went to sit down at one of the tables, enjoying their day like it was their last.

Until, someone familiar caught Taeyong's eyes. It was the flicker of that shiny silver-hair that he had seen a few months ago, making him sit up and grow uncomfortable. He backened in his seat as soon as he saw the smiling idiot with silver-hair approach him with a smirk that could be described as fishy or fake.

The silver-boy seemed to remind Taeyong of a snake, and he abruptly choked on the apple, Chittapon looked behind him to see the boy who had caused Taeyong to nearly choke to death.

'Long time no see, I see you dropped Jaehyun like a hot-potato for this one?' The boy elegantly moved his hair from his eyes and looked up, leaning on Chittapon's chair rudely to make the attention shine on him like a spotlight. He was wearing silver sparkly clothes, and he seemed to rock in looking better more than the model who walked past, giving the silver sparkling star a look with a grin.

'Oh, no. He's just my friend. Jaehyun's here too... Plus, I don't even know your name or who you are but I know you don't mean good news.'

The silver boy looked as if he swallowed a hard-boiled sweet whole and began honking it up in a choke. 'Y-you don't know me?!' He didn't know wether to be offended more by the fact Taeyong didn't notice his fame and beauty or Jaehyun not telling him who he is. Or maybe even the negative comment added to the end of Taeyong's sentence.
Chittapon made a wheeze as he ate his muffin, watching the drama like it was some TV show, he knew Taeyong was fairly good at winning battles against low people like this boy.

'It's Kim Jungwoo.' He persed his lips into an agitated smile. 'Mine and Jaehyun's family's are close, infact we consider ourselves cousins.' He said with pride, as if he was any better than Jaehyun.

Chittapon switched his look to Taeyong who seemed to grow angry by the second, he snickered as he enjoyed the verbal fight that was very gentlemanly as they were fighting more with their glares more than words.

'I don't think he considers you anything more than a joke, you weren't very nice that time and I'm not letting you off for it. I remember you talking about him devaluing his or your family image, whatever, but if I wasn't wrong I would say you were jealous. And as you why you were there that day I would say you-' Taeyong stopped as he saw a figure approach behind Jungwoo, Taeyong gulped.

Jungwoo put his hands on his hips and looked behind to the figure and made a groan. 'Go away Taemin!' He yelled before storming away like a spoilt brat in his arms tightly crossed, what Taeyong said seemed to leave him bitter again. He easily got offended by words and Tae wondered why he always got offended by little things when he seemed to want to offend everyone around him.

This other male sighed. 'I apologise...' He bowed to the two of them. 'He's just sensitive.' He made an excuse for Jungwoo's actions 'Excuse my brother, hm?' He smiled while shuffling away politely to go look for his so-called brother.

Chittapon made a whistling sound like a missile. 'The tea was spilt.' He looked at Taeyong, seeing the infuriated expression on the boy's face he dropped the food he was holding in a gulp. 'You must be right, he probably likes Jaehyun.'

Taeyong looked down, he didn't mean that but now that he thought about it, Jungwoo did seem to possess a lot of hidden jealousy that could round up to him just liking Jaehyun. Except, he was so mean to Jaehyun he wasn't sure if that was true. He called the boy Jeffrey, constantly. When Jaehyun dreaded the name for how posh it was, because the whole of his family called him that when he begged them not to, he just wanted to be normal even though he couldn't be.

Chittapon leant his head to the side.
'Don't let that scumbag get to you-'

Then a large shadow towered over the table, making the two of them look up automatically.  'Who?!' And it was Johnny and Jaehyun, being nosy.

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