Chapter 12

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Ten and Taeyong spoke for a while about thing's but then the convocation took a turn on more of a depressed side...

'I just remember my grandpa, he smoked so many cigarettes a day. It was how he got lung cancer... it was horrible... I remember when I was living in Bangkok, ages ago. He had told me.' Ten's eyes welled up. 'Don't you do what I do! Because the sins catch up with you Chittapon! I told him they weren't sins but mistakes... but I really don't want them to catch up with Johnny, Taeyong. He's the one doing reckless things here' He grabbed hold of Taeyong's arm and squeezed it. 'You gotta help me.'

Taeyong nodded slowly. 'Don't worry. It will all work out in the end? O.K?' He patted Ten's back to make him feel better, trying to lighten the spirit. But it was still so tense...

Taeyong managed to get Ten up, and they made their way back to the treehouse- except the others, they were standing below it. Playing with some sort of blindfold: game of truth. Well, thats what they called it. They would blindfold the person and gently spin them around a good five or six times. Ask them questions, if they refuse to answer or sound as if they are lying, they will tickle the person into saying the truth. The person who came up with this? Taeyong wasn't so sure how they just came up with this or how it lead to this too: he was clueless. But the victim at that moment was Jaehyun, who was wailing on about it as Taeyong would expect.

'Ah, stop, I feel sick... I didn't ask for this- for fuck sake!-' He complained as he was being spun around with his arms tied to his back. It was a bit like playing hostage.

Taeyong and Ten made a 'pfft' sound and it carried on into laughter as they decided to stalk the boys and Josie behind a tree as them lot hadn't noticed them yet, the game started to get intriguing.

Mark had a grin as he stopped Jae. 'Right, Jung Jaehyun!' He spoke in a deep game-show like voice that sounded more on the old side. 'Tell us,' He prodded at Jae's chest which made him wince, Jaehyun cussed at Mark under his breath in result of this. 'Do you have-' He paused while circling Jae. 'Another lover?!' He finished as he made a dramatic turn.

Taeyong went bright red and could see the annoyed blank expression Jae had; Which he was well-aware to Mark knowing the truth, perhaps to toy with the situation.

'You're serious? Like I'll tell you 3 hooligans that-' He spat, he carried on the act even though Mark, clearly, knew the lie. Mark nodded at them; They swarmed over him and began tickling him aggressively. He instantly laughed and was cussing them out, trying to tell the 3 of them to stop but he couldn't as he was forced into giggles.

This made Ten jab Taeyong, as they began laughing at his laughter and how silly their game looked. It looked fun though.
'Your man is stubborn.' Ten whispered, nodding at Jaehyun who hadn't given in and accepted his fate of laughter, he had grown numb to it eventually and stood up straight, winning that round, he was proud of this. He seemed to look a lot like a lion.

Taeyong's eyes glistened in the corner.
Ten had looked from Jaehyun to Taeyong, switching between them to then sigh.

Mark then circled around Jaehyun with his companion Johnny. They paused.
'Jaehyun, what is your sexuality, HMMMMM?' Mark was really pushing it now. Josie seemed intrigued herself, but she was hoping he really wasn't what he was being made out to be. There was a huge uncertainty of hope though... the way Jaehyun and Taeyong acted earlier raised a lot of suspicion between the 4 of them, until they got caught by the two main troublemakers.

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