Chapter 13

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Jaehyun's eyes were itching at the sight of the message.

'You okay?' Johnny noticed his uncomfortable persona before everyone else. They turned to Jaehyun who twitched out of his trance of thinking about all the possible scenarios that could go wrong.

He quickly switched the screen off before looking up nervously. 'Uhhh' He spoke shakily. 'Yeah, I'm perfectly content.' He moved away from Taeyong and got up off of the ground. 'I have to go-' He said, before he knew it he was running down and out of the woods. Little did he know, the other's were shouting his name 'Jaehyun! Oi! Come back!' and chasing after him, mainly Taeyong who was worried; hremanaged to get to the front of the boys charging after Jaehyun. 'Jaehyun!' They had no idea, but they were all worried.

Jaehyun ran across the gardens and onto the porch, into the house he manages to close the door tightly behind him as he finally noticed the 4 other boys chasing him. He strode through the corridoor, hair brushing past his fast and jacket flying behind him from how fast he was going to get from that side of the mansion to the other.
Then he heard the familiar squeeky voice. He tensed.

'Get out, get out right now!' He raged.

Little Jisung stuck his tongue out and pulled Carlos' head down so he could playfully put him in headlock (obviouslly not in an agressive way).  'Jae~ Where's my brother~' He prodded at Jae's chest, hitting a soft spot and Jaehyun made a small reflex noise; He shyed away out of embarassment. 'Don't touch me!' He yelled. He pulled Jisung away from Carlos.

'Jisung... Give the guy's a break-' A unfamiliar face popped up out of the front door, he seemed quite older and more mature compared to Jisung. 'Come on!' But he was still quite younger, he pulled Jisung away and Jae stood astounded.

'LEAVE!' He then watched as the unacquainted boy sighed and began pulling Jisung out of the house.

'St-stop!' Jisung whined, pouting.

Jaehyun felt a hand touch his shoulder. He shivered, because he could tell it was them, just because-

Jisung suddenly shouted in a cute voice, and he suddenly pushed his way out of the boy's hands. 'Jisung...' The boy seemed to have lost hope, until he saw how Jisung wrapped his arms around Taeyong. Taeyong was clueless and he looked at Jaehyun with suspicion.

Jisung rubbed his face on Taeyong's chest. 'I missed you- oh wait we never met! HAHA... my mistake...' He then snapped out of it and pulled away, standing straight.

Jaehyun didn't quite know how to feel. 'Jisung you promised me you wouldn't...' Jae grabbed his arm. 'You, promised.'

Jisung's lip trembled.

Taeyong looked from Johnny to Ten to Mark, exchanging face's of confusion.

Taeyong's eyes finally landed on Jaehyun. 'What promise? What is this? I-' He patted the smaller boy, Jisung on the head which made him smile so widely. It looked as if he achieved his dream or something.

Jaehyun started to feel a little dizzy. 'You can't- Stay away from...' He pointed at Jisung, his feet gave in a little. Carlos acted swiftly, he quickly grabbed Jaehyun as he lost conscience and fell.

Everyone just was confused, this was a matter only between Jisung and Jaehyun and Taeyong, except Taeyong had no idea what was happening or what this was. He didn't know how to feel, he gradually got more and more overwhelmed as time went on. Carlos sat there patting Jaehyun's face repeatedly, waiting for him to wake up, everyone just crowded around waiting, for an explanation. But that wasn't needed, proud little Jisung had no shame in addressing the matter.

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