Chapter 21

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Taeyong woke up with a push, he sat up and was breathing fast. His forehead and hair damp with sweat. He looked around, trying to count the objects in the room to calm down, it was a coping mechanism. Then he got to the bear like, snoring object beside him. It wasn't an object, but it looked like one, Jaehyun looked so droopey and deep in sleep, he was even drooling on Taeyong's pillow.

Taeyong sighed and steadied his breath, the candles had been blown out, the only light was the moon coming from the windows of the doors to his balcony.
It shone on the wall in the opposite direction. He realised he was still in his robe, it had come un-done so he rapidly tied it back into place.

He put his head back down onto the pillow, and looked at Jaehyun. He poked the boy, who only grunted before turning his head the other way. Taeyong made a 'Pfft.' sound before laying his head on the soft pillow of his. 'Why do you have to drool on it...?' Whispered Taeyong to Jaehyun who had his back to the boy in a sleep. But truth me told, Taeyong didn't mind that much. He lay his hand under the side of his face as he faced Jaehyun's back.

But then he sighed, he couldn't get back to sleep, he kept tossing and turning to try and get confortable, but without having a light or comfort, he couldn't. He felt quite vunerable, and his eyes stayed open, this mansion they inhabited was scary during night hours. Especially when Carlos didn't stay, the security was well kept, but there was still a fear nestled inside of the boys head. The shadows of objects or various other things seemed to be warped into monsters, and he tried to look away.

So instead, he turned the lamp on. He didn't want to wake up Jaehyun, who seemed to always want to sleep beside Taeyong nowadays, he's just so clingly... Taeyong had thought.

He manouvered his feet to the ground to put his slippers on, to make the floor less cold. He walked to his clothing-cabited that had a mirror and his skin products, but what was also there was those pills. Don't worry. He didn't have negative intentions, he just was too skittish, it would be better for him to just numb his senses. To kick that anxious, adrenalin-like, hyper feeling away when it wasn't needed.

He poured a little water into a clear glass from his mug, and quickly put a pill in his mouth and swallowed it down with the water. He would have to now wait for them to kick in.
He made a soft sigh.

He travelled to his bookshelf in the far corner of the room and looked for a book to read, there sat the classic deranged story called 'The Handmaid's Tale' A pure classic dystopian fiction. He was drawn to it, he had read it before... the craziness of it. He never understood how this woman named Margaret Atwood could write such a... interesting let's say, book like this. It is, and remains, different from the other books on his shelf.
So, he read the petite words on the pages, perhaps until the middle of Chapter 4. Where the main character see's, that man. He suddenly felt the medicine kicking in, he felt if he had begun to read more, he perhaps wouldn't be able to sleep again for a few more nights. The craziness of the story seemed to be rooted there.

He shut the book, tightly, to a close.
He felt shivers go down his spine.

He wanted to get into pajama's but that wouldn't be worth it, it was 4 o'clock in the morning anyway. So, there was no point in doing so.

Taeyong remained in the robe, as he approached his bed, with the deep-in-sleep Jaehyun on the other side. He pulled the duvet aside and got into the bed. He had shivered, trying to warm up, he switched the lamp off and turned the opposite way to Jaehyun, he looked down at the wooden floor as he tried to fall sleepy.

He heard a soft mumble, that was something between a groan.

Taeyong turned his head, it was too dark to see anything, even though it was admittedly getting lighter outside. He turned his head back and continued in his efforts to fall asleep, which he had been doing for about an hour and a bit at this point.

He heard another mumble, but this one turned into words. 'Can you not sleep?' He heard a whisper near his ear. He couldn't tell if he was going indane because of the medication, delusional. But he turned his head and saw the outline of Jaehyun lingering and leaning close to him.

'Go back to sleep.' Taeyong returned. He felt Jaehyun's hand wrap around him and pull his body onto his warm chest, it felt nice for Taeyong, but he could feel himself blush, thank God it is dark. He thought. Taeyong then declared in his head... nothing, no, nothing; could feel that more comforting than having someone back hug you as you're struggling to sleep.

Alright, it may sound creepy from another perspective. But to him, it made him feel safe. He had thought, he wouldn't have needed to take that pill before, if Jaehyun did this sooner.

It was quiet, he could hear the soft breathing of Jaehyun beside him and he could just as well feel it. He could also feel the soft beats of Jaehyun's heart on his back, he could feel the slight loosen of Jaehyun's grip as he drifted off to sleep.
Taeyong very much remained awake, until he didn't notice his eyes shut to a close, and before he knew it he was actually sleeping, like Jaehyun was, minus the drooling and slight snoring. But they both looked as tired as ever.

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