Chapter 09

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After that fateful day...
Thankfully, things didn't lead to another and Jaehyun just kept his distance for a week, where he didn't attend school, being fearful. A neck kiss, in front of everyone was enough to lead him to this daftness.

The house felt empty like this, Taeyong was probably studying in the library. Meanwhile he couldn't stop thinking about things. What was he? He didn't know if what he was doing was right, his parents would be devastated. He didn't know quite what they would do with him, but he couldn't trust his 'cousin'.

That sly git...
'Fucking bastard with his head tied backwards, he needs a good therapy session he does!' He yelled at the mirror, the figure of himself. 'But you, you fine dapper gentleman. You are completely normal. Hah! Normal.'
Perhaps he was the one who needed therapy afterall, he looked absolutely crazy. Like he had fianlly lost it. Until Carlos peeked his head past the door. 'Sir... I hope you're not talking to yourself again... last time you broke the glass and cried and I don't want to be tending to those wounds of yours.'

Jae made an airy laugh that made him look more crazier. 'B-broke the glass you say? H-how could a fine gentleman like myself do such a rude thing to such fine material-'

Carlos formed a confused look.
'Sir. This is getting out of hand...'

Jaehyun smiled with an unsatisfied grin and you would be able to tell he was very agitated from a mile off. 'I'm perfectly fine. Content, that indeed.' He made an awkward half smile.

Taeyong peeked his head through the doorframe beside Carlos and Jaehyun made a small squeek like a mouse, he instantly covered his mouth and made another awkward grin. 'If you don't mind, I want to ajust my tie real quickly...'

Carlos shook his head, his old age made him more tired to things like this. 'Take care of him...' He patted Taeyong's shoulder and took off to make a pot of tea, to maybe calm Jaehyun's senses.

Jaehyun snuck into his 'wardrobe,' as we all know isn't that of such. He made a high pitched scream. 'This is my life now? I bet people have videos, I can't go back to school, I'll be ruined! Taeyong this is your fault for being so- well- agh! Fuck, fuck, fuck!' He was talking fast and shouting in gaps too, his mind was like a waterfall and it landed into his mouth like a bomb. 'Josie, oh right yes Josie! Ugh, hard work. MY PLAN HAS BEEN RUINED BY MYSELF! My image! Taeyong! How can I do this... shit...' He then opened the door, where Taeyong's lip was trembling.

'D-did you really mean all of that?' His eyes watered greatly, burning down his cheeks.

Taeyong cries too much, he's way too sensitive. It breaks my heart.

Jaehyun didn't. He just needed to vent his meaningless emotions out on something like nothing, he had no idea that Taeyong was so close to the door and was eavesdropping. 'Tae, I'm sorry. My minds all jumbled up, you know?' He tried to make a grab at Taeyong's hand, but that was instantly rejected.

'You could've just not made all that effort... Using me all the time hurts too! I'm not a robot, I have feelings. I am not a punching bag, I only take so much before I break! I hate being your toy! I really do! All I want is my mum and dad back, that's the truth.'

Jaehyun froze, how could Taeyong feel all these emotions and without his head not blowing off? Jaehyun instead had the emotional range of a single whine about thing's, before perhaps being fine again.

'Sometimes, I really hate you Jaehyun.' He said, struggling to say the words but he did. He sniffed. It felt like a knife to the heart for Jaehyun, it ached so bad. In a painful way that was indescribable unless you experienced it for yourself... 'Taeyong. I went in that room and I swear on my life it meant nothing, all of it just blerted out. I'm scared. Please don't make things worse...'

Taeyong shook his head.
'No, Jaehyun. You made things worse. If you really loved me then you wouldn't be afraid!' He had started bawling, even his eyes were saying enough as more tears came down. He was so hurt, more than Jaehyun. What Jae had said, snapped his heartstrings.

'Taeyong I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of me. Don't you get it? I've been brought up thinking that all this is alsolutely wrong, so you expect me to suddenly be the best person to handle all of this?!' He grabbed Taeyong's arm and held it up, to stop any movement of Taeyong, so they could just argue this out. The both of them had never argued this badly before, even as children when they bickered.

Tae had nodded his head, then tutting and rolling his eyes in his sockets. 'Jeffrey, do you ever actually follow your heart? Ever. Or do you have to just please everyone around you, because guess what. Not everyone can be pleased! If you keep this going you'll lose more than just me.'

Jaehyun's eye twitched.
'Jeffrey... y-you called me... Jeffrey.' His tone sounded off. He had actually gone crazy.


Jaehyun managed to get Taeyong up against the wall, leaving no space for him to escape. 'J-J-Jae what-' He was blushing.

Jaehyun's eyes were dark and no longer soft and sad. 'I can't lose anything else more than you. I'd rather lose the buidling, lifestyle and family I have than to lose you. Although it's cheesy and the sad reality, I mean it.' He had caressed Taeyong's face gently like he was a fragile china-doll.

Taeyong couldn't hold back his stutter and mumble. 'H-h-how.' He looked at Jaehyun's eyes, which lightened.

Before anything else, Jaehyun kissed Taeyong softly. This time long enough to taste the sweet bliss of it all, forcing his senses to make him go deeper where he never thought he would go, he moved his lips gently against Taeyong's. He had no idea what he was doing. He had never kissed anyone before, nor did Taeyong. And especially not a male. He only did what he thought was correct. Even though he was Christian, in that moment it felt as if that no longer mattered. Because he knew his love for this boy was stronger. Like the devil tempting Eve with the apple, but he didn't mind... Maybe the apple wasn't so bad afterall. He had thought. If this was the apple then, he wanted more.

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