Chapter 16

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For the love you have given this story, I appreciate it so much! Because of the recent 1k reads and 100+ votes, I have made this chapter longer and more heart felt, enjoy.

Mr. Havers, the well respected and known teacher, slammed the palm of his hand down on the finely polished desk of his table, making the objects jump as well as the 5 boys.

Catch my sarcasm there.

There was a burning fire, a swirl and spiral, a grind in Taeyong's insides, it had made him feel sickened and weiry. His muscles grew weaker, almost giving in to the weight pressing down onto his shoulders, but he was just about able to handle it. It was probably because Taeyong was hungry or maybe it was nerves, but then again he seemed pretty occupied earlier.

Let me trace back, to earlier...

After Jaehyun had dressed himself, he went to tease Taeyong and roll him off of the bed in his duvet cacoon, that he had created to hide, Jaehyun seemed to be a bit of a weakness to him nowadays as well as he didn't want to go to school, he knew what they would face. But Jaehyun seemed to give no fucks, excuse my language, at all.

Taeyong envied this about Jaehyun, when he hit the hard surface that was a safe landing because of his self-made cacoon, he whined 'Jae... why can't we forget school?'

Jaehyun had sighed, putting his hand on his chin at the thought. 'Lee Taeyong? Nerdy boy, getting into trouble and not wanting to go to school?! What have I done to you, what a tragedy...' He seemed to be over exaggerating his voice like he was talking to a two year old, he'd be perfect for interating with kids. Except, he didn't know how to handle them very well, last time he had to look after kids he had a nervous breakdown.

He pulled out a screwed up white tissue from his grey blazor jacket and blew into it, in his acting behaviour. Taeyong's eyes twitched at the sight of Jaehyun's overexaggeration.
'What to do, what to do...!' He pretended to weep.

Taeyong rolled across the floor. 'Stop. Being. Annoying.'

'Aren't I supposed to be the one giving orders to you, not me?' Jaehyun formed a grin at the side of his lips that seemed to gain him the control back in this situation, he ruffled his fairly dark brown hair, his dimples became visible. Taeyong blushed a light pink, but it wasn't that noticible at all, he was hiding behind the cacoon.

Jaehyun grabbed the end of the duvet, also known as Taeyong's cacoon, and pulled it up harshly, which wisked Taeyong out of it, making him hit the rather cold wooden floor. He groaned at the pain he got from hitting the icy floor.

It really was like antartica in there. Taeyong wondered how Jaehyun just got up that morning and stripped off his clothes so easily without shivering to death from hypothermia.

Taeyong stood up, he readied his fist to slap Jaehyun across the face but then Jaehyun quickly grabbed his wrist and prevented him to. 'What did I just say, huh?'

It was then how Taeyong shut his mouth, not wanting to act bratty. After he had got dressed too, Carlos said, even though the school was so close, he would drive them. They also obviously, forgot their breakfast that morning.

Then they got to school... ending up here. With Mr Haver's, a livid man as always who seems to look constipated each time Taeyong saw him.

He slashed the cane on the table to look threatening, Ten rolled his eyes and leaned on his head.

'I would suspend you, even expell you.' -Taeyong shot upwards in fear. Jaehyun was looking at his nails, he remained unbothered and bored.

Johnny raised a brow, Mark crossed his arms and slouched back on the chair. Ten was still pretty agitated... they had heard this so many times, except Jaehyun who didn't care.

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