Chapter 18

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Taeyong entered the classroom, the April showers of rain had begun as a gift from mother nature. He loved the sound and sight of rain when not many people did, so when he had a seat next to a window he was rather happy, he pulled his chair closer to the desk.

He brought his sketchbook from his bag, art seemed like a nice escape because you could lose focus and still do well in the lesson. He opened the sketch book to a blank page, everyone else started to enter the classroom too. Not many boys enjoyed art like him, except for the boy who was already in the classroom as him. He was very much dedicated to the subject, he sat at the back of the room, he didn't have friends in school. Taeyong always felt bad, but when he always tried to convocate with the boy in the past, he just left. He knew his name though, Taeil, he was called Taeil.

Taeyong looked away and focused on his drawing he was about to make.
He tried to think of something, but thw only thing he could think of was the hug Jaehyun gave him earlier, the warmth of it. It made his body tingle with all sorts of emotions.

Then he thought of it... He smiled.

Mrs Jackson-Lyn sighed as he strolled to her desk at the front of the classroom. 'You know what to do boys,  our art gallery project is coming up, you all have a different booth, remember? Now your theme can do with anything you want.' She smiled, Taeyong noticed the splashes of multicoloured paint on her fingers and cheek. He wondered what she painted before for that to happen.

He sighed.
His theme would start controversy, within a Catholic school. But it was the only thing he could think about, Jaehyun, Jaehyun, Jaehyun. It was like he never left him alone even when they were seperated.

He sharpened his pencil with the pencil sharpener.
He just began drawing what he was thinking about, he didn't realise he was smiling. His art style was very very much like them line-art sketches style.

The lines all connected, it seemed to make him very happy.
It resembled two boys; kissing.

But, you would know who they were supposed to be, Jaehyun and Taeyong.

He was about to close the sketchbook because the bell rang, but then a hand slammed down on the page, his head throbbed and he groaned. He wasn't up for it... he couldn't deal with any more negativity today. It wpuld contribute to him not wanting to go to school anymore.

P.E. was so far away, his friends all took it because they weren't that artistic, and also because Mark, Johnny and Ten always messed about in art and ended up cleaning up the classroom at the end, so when it came to them choosing their courses to take. They chose P.E. over art.

Taeyong hated P.E. because, the only thing he enjoyed didn't include studying it and exercising intensely in the gym. He liked dance, but this school didn't offer that... they closed it off because none of the boys liked it.

But then, back to it. The hand hadn't moved. He looked up, the boy tilted his head. 'What's this, huh?' It was very much the local bully, Doyoung.

He had a mousy, sweet looking face that made him look like he could never bully someone, but... you'd be surprised at how deadly cruel and brutal he could be.

Taeyong  pressed the book closed on his fingers and grimaced. 'None of your business, back off!' Taeyong tore his sketch book away from Doyoung.

Doyoung's upper lip twitched.
'I knew it.'

Taeyong rolled his eyes and looked the opposite direction. 'Knew what? You know nothing about me, you have no right to make conclusions of me.' As you can tell, Taeyong didn't feel like putting up with the abuse after today. He would've never had the confidence to stand up for himself before.

Nobody in general stood up to Doyoung, so everyone was intrigued about the situation and staring from around the room as they cleaned up their things.

'You faggo-'

Taeyong gave the most unsatified expression to Doyoung. 'Is that all you've got? I've heard it all before. There's nothing I don't know! Now back off before I floor you, if you touch me.' Taeyong picked his things up after getting back to his feet, at level but taller than Doyoung.

Doyoung had never experienced failure to bullying before.
He was feeling a little bitter-sweet, he had no idea what to make of it.

But when Taeyong was about to walk away he turned back around. 'I'm sure if you look up online and read about human rights, you will realise you're the reason they exist.'
He had to add that, it would teach Doyoung a lesson with his braininess. He often read about law articles on human rights, Taeyong believed in them deeply.
The boys in the classroom started laughing at Taeyong's approach to the situation. A bully finally beaten, except Taeyong used all of his confidence... he hoped Doyoung wouldn't make a comeback to it because he wouldn't be able to comeback at all. She he quickly swayed through the tables and out of the classroom fast.

He heard his name being called behind his back, so he began running. Oh, no. He was really deadmeat. If the Doyoung-gang caught him... he would he screwed for all eternity!

He ran faster, he looked behind him and saw that Doyoung was chasing after him with his goons.

He cussed under his breath but also apologised and began to pray for himself, even though he hated praying for himself. He had no choice, this situation felt like a life or death one to him.

He ran through crowds of boys coming out of the P.E. building, he had   even bumped into his friends but quickly ran faster because of it so they wouldn't realise it was him. But he was hard to miss when Doyoung was chasing after him and everyone was watching. He heard another call of his name. 'OI! COME HERE PUNK!'

Taeyong inhaled and stopped his feet in the middle of the gravel to the P.E. building, he pivoted around and dropped his bag to the floor. 'Alright!' He shouted back. He soon regretted it.

Doyoung, as soon as he caught Taeyong, grabbed his shirt and looked Taeyong in the eyes with an angry look. 'You lack mannors boy!' Doyoung growled. Taeyong could see the boiling of his face.

Taeyong grabbed his shirt back. 'As for you! I think you should really find that article!'

A crowd formed around them. The figh between a nerd but now saviour to all victims of Doyoung and a bully called Doyoung.
As you would guess, Jaehyun tried to push through the crowd, when he got to the front he was surprised as to what he was seeing. Nobody could believe it. Taeyong usually put up with everything, but this time with the thing most people couldn't put up with, he was standing up against it. But then again Doyoung was nothing compared to Mr. Havers.

Ten pulled Jaehyun back, because he was about to beat Doyoung up for laying a finger on Taeyong. 'Just leave it Jaehyun! He can do it, look, he is standing up. If you get involved it may make things worse!' Ten held him back. Jaehyun seemed more angry than Doyoung though, a blazing fire ready to burn things down.

'I don't care!' He tried to pull away from Chittapon's grip, but he was strong. 'Let go!'

But then Doyoung was getting all up in Taeyong's face.
'Huh! How dare you have the right to say those things to me!' Doyoung pushed Taeyong.

Taeyong had a curve form in his eyebrows. 'Yeah, so what! What are you, the king of the Joseon times? If I'm not allowed to prove you wrong, then you shouldn't be so horrible to people.' Taeyong shouted.

Doyoung slapped Taeyong.

Jaehyun got more angry, he tried more and more to pull from Ten, 'Let go!' His face was an angry red.

Taeyong grabbed Doyoung's cuff. 'Go on then, keep doing it. Perhaps I should do it too, maybe we'll both find a brain in there. I'm guessing, you do this to people to pick out their weaknesses, so you can be stronger because your personality is so vague? Seems about right, right?'

Doyoung moved away, he had a face of a slapped arse.
'Alright, you win this time. But your life will be like hell...'

Taeyong yawned. 'Great.'

Little did he know, he would regret everything later.

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