Chapter 04

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Taeyong tried to force Jaehyun away until gradually he, Jaehyun fell off of the bed in a big thump. Which Taeyong's eyes widened and he quickly sat upwards, turning the lamp on at his bedside table.

Jaehyun was groaning and rubbing his back and head as he sat up just like Taeyong. They both caught eyecontact  in a glimpse and just stared for a while until Jaehyun spoke: 'What happened?' His voice was a little hoarse all of a sudden.

Taeyong bit his lip.
'You slept-walked into here and-'

'No I- Oh yeah... I did.' He interrupted Taeyong, he was about to correct him until he felt ashamed. Of course Taeyong believed him, Jaehyun was a brilliant liar. 'I thought you were Josie...' Jaehyun got up to his feet and after, leaving the room in a sulk.

Jaehyun was lying. How could he kiss Josie when she is whiny and boring?

He closed the door shut to Taeyong's room and leant his head back on the door, sinking to the ground in pain, his heart was pounding and sweat formed at his forehead.

The fact was, he had an actual homophobia. Not the term of genuinely hating gay's, just scared of the thought of liking men and men giving affection to him sometimes, he was scared but was scared of himself most of all, because in his heart, he knew part of himself was like that and always had been. He shivered.

He developed this because of his parents, once again. He never had seen them that often, so everything they spoke about, he had believed as it stuck into his mind.

His fear started a few months after Taeyong had moved in, his parents came to the mansion to meet the boy whoom was Jaehyun's new toy. The fact of being a toy would be to make Jaehyun less lonely, not having parents around is hard as well as having a butler like Carlos who isn't good at looking after children so much. Just, Taeyong was just agreed to be in the family because he would make Jaehyun less lonely. Otherwise his parents would've said no, they don't like... lower statuses much.

When his parents had entered the house they stared down at the little Taeyong who was quietly watching Jaehyun as he played with a yo-yo on the staircase. They both looked up at the parents, worried expressions sat on their face's. 'I don't want him ending up like those horrible men on television who call themselves gay, dear. It's filthy.' His mother told Jaehyun's father in worry for their son. After they had dragged their son out and lectured Jaehyun in the dining room about how it was wrong and how you will turn into a disgrace, this left him in fear, it traumatised him. It caused him to hide his emotions more. Jae had remembered how little Taeyong peeked through the gap in the doorway and looked at Jaehyun as he did the same thing, gulping at eachother.

Those memories played in Jaehyun's head as he tore at his scalp in fury, tugging and pulling at his hair in anger with himself, grinding his teeth together and making a 'Grr-'

He finally got up after calming himself down... nearly tripping as he made it to his door. Opening it and quickly shutting it nervously, making sure Taeyong wasn't there as he looked through the spy hole. He tip-toed into his wardrobe, closing it behind him as he walked in. He ended up sitting in the cold empty space. His wardrobe was more like a walking-wardrobe but he didn't refer to it as that. He pulled out the green box from under his designer-shoe shelf.

As the box was on his lap he removed the green lid, looking inside. His worried face was replaced with sadness but happiness at the same time. He pulled out that photograph of him and Taeyong in Disney World on Jaehyun's birthday when they were about twelve. Taeyong was hugging Jaehyun at the shoulder with a wide smile on his mouth and eyes, as the little Jaehyun was nibbling at candyfloss. Taeyong didn't want any that day. Jaehyun had remembered how Taeyong just wanted to make Jaehyun have it all on that day, even though he already did every other day.

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