eleven- dinner part 1

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"Connie I'm so nervous. What if I choke on the food? What if I look ugly? What if I throw up on him." I say grabbing her shoulders.

"You'll be fine, that's why I'm here. Here to help." Connie says with a smile. I groan and roll my eyes.

"What if you fall down the stairs in the middle of dinner?" I ask, horrified at the possibility of that.

"Just blame it on the cat." Connie says. We walked through the doors of my house. Josh was with Jordan and both of my parents were still at work. Connie had three hours to prepare me for this. We sat on my bed as she began to go through her bag.

"The cat? I don't have a cat." I say.

"Sure you do." Connie says. She pulls out a stuffed animal black cat.

"What the hell." I whisper to myself.

"This is your escape. If something bad happens or you feel like your gonna throw up, say you have to check on the cat and come and see me. My brother taught me that when I brought Guy home." She says.

"But I don't have a cat." I say.

"Just pretend, say that your watching my cat." She says. She did have a cat, so I just went with it.

"Now let's get you ready."


"Don't be nervous love, you'll do just fine. I'll be up here if you need me." She says.

"If my parents come up. Hide." I tell her. My parents have no idea that Connie was here. They didn't even know that she was here. She had to hide in the closet like ten minutes ago because my mom knocked at the door. We could hear the faint sound of the doorbell ringing and panic runs through my whole body. Me and Connie look at each other and scream. She quickly covers my mouth with her hand.

"Shut up Jae, they don't know I'm here." Connie whisper yells at me.

"You shut up, you screamed too." I whisper yell back.

"Okay, don't be scared. You got this girl." Connie says with a smile. I take a deep breathe and fix my curled hair in the mirror.

"Do I look okay?" I ask.

"Of course, makeup and hair is perfect." Connie says with a smile. She pushes me out the door and closes it behind me.

"Good luck." I hear Connie whisper through the door. I take a deep breathe before walking down the stairs.

"Jae, Adam's here." I hear Josh yell.

"I'm right here." I say laughing.

Adam was standing by the door talking to Josh. Jordan was standing right next to Josh. We were about the same height, Josh towers over her. Adam was wearing a blue shirt with khaki shorts. He looked cute, I'll admit it to myself.

"Hey, I'm Jordan. You must be Jae" She says. I smile and stick my hand out but in stead of shaking my hand, she hugs me. I laugh and hug her back.

"I'm more of a hugger." She says with a laugh.

"Nice to meet you." I say with a smile. She smiles back, she really was as perfect as Josh described her as.

"It's nice to meet you too." She says. I gave Adam a quick hug before him and Josh walked away, talking about football or something.

"Sorry if i seem weird or anything. I'm so nervous to meet your parents." Jordan says.

"How come? They're going to love you." I say. She smiles but shakes her head.

"I don't know. Josh and I have been dating for almost a year and I just feel like he's the one, you know?" She says.I nod my head with a smile.

"I'm nervous about tonight too." I admit.

"First time they're meeting your boyfriend?" She asks. I quickly shake my head.

"See that's the thing, we're not dating." I say, her eyes practically pop out of her head. For her sake, I continue. "I like him, I think I really like him. All of my friends say he likes me to but I think he wants to take things slow. We hang out a lot and I think he's trying to make sure that I'm not going to hurt him, and I mean I'm not going to. But his ex broke him, cheated on him twice. It took him two years to get over that. I wanna help him put himself back together before we rush into things." I had to explain all of this whispering. If Adam heard that I would have died from embarassment.

"I understand. I feel bad for him, he's seems like a sweet kid." She says as I nod. She quickly looks over to the archway that leads into the kitchen. "Don't tell Josh any of this but I felt that kind of pain too. My ex always controlled what I did, I wasn't allowed to wear certain thing, go out with my friends, or talk to other boys. The one time I lied to him and told him I was going to a family thing and went out with my friends. Josh was there that night. But he found out and he punched me, in the face. He left me because of that. I was broken because I felt like I did wrong." She explains. My heart breaks for her. She must have seen how horrified my expression was because she quickly added, "Don't worry about that happening to you. Adam doesn't seem the type."

"What are you two doing out here all by yourselves?" I hear my mom say. She was standing in the archway to the kitchen with a smile on her face. I didn't even realize we were standing there talking for so long.

"You must be Jordan, I've heard so much about you." My mom says walking towards us. She goes to Jordan and hugs her.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Williams." She says smiling as they pull apart.

"Oh please call me Olivia, come join us in the living room. The boys are in there." My mom says walking back into the kitchen.

"The first impression is key." Jordan whispers to me with a wink. I laugh as we begin walking towards the living room.

"Where have you guys been?" Josh asks with a smile on his face. He gets up from his place on the couch and hugs Jordan.

"Just getting to know each other." She says nudging me. I laugh as Josh smiles at us.

"Hey Adam." I say sitting down next to him , "Sorry I haven't talked to you I was bonding with Jordan. She's really nice."

"That's good." He says smiling. He was bouncing his leg up and down and he had his hands folded. I could tell he was nervous, so I put my hand on his knee hoping it helped him calm down. It seemed like it work because he was smiling.

"We should play monopoly while we wait for dinner to be done." Josh suggests. I quickly not my head and jump of the couch. Josh and I loved playing monopoly , it was our favorite game. Ever since I've returned home we play every weekend.

"I call being the dinosaur!" I yell out. Josh groans out loud. Josh and I always fight over the dinosaur.

"I'm the cat!"

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