thirty-five: new beginnings

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I woke up in a plain white room. Something I didn't expect to do. I thought I would have been dead. The room makes me depressed, there's no color or anything to this room. It's just plain and boring. Moments pass by before I even move. I look down to see tubes and bandages all over my body. I can vaguely remember what had happened. And I know this is no ordinary hospital. I try to sit up but I can't, the sound of a loud ringing causes me to stop. A nurse rushes through the door with Grayson close at her side.

"Jaelyn!" The nurse says happily. I look at her confused. Why is she so happy? If I'm right, this is no place to be happy.

"Grayson, what is going on?" I ask. The skin covered by the bandaids burns like hell, and I know exactly why. He looks sadly at me as he sits down on the bed next to me. The nurse rushes around the room in a happy daze as she puts things together. I don't know why she is so happy.

"You're in the mental ward in the same hospital. You had a mental breakdown, broke the window and you did things with the broken glass. They found you just in time, you lost a lot of blood. Do you remember anything?" He asks as he takes my hand in his.

"I sadly remember everything," I say, no emotion in my voice at all.

"Adam um told me everything. I'm really sorry Jae, you don't deserve any of this," He says as he starts crying.

"Why are you crying? I'm fine," I say. I wasn't fine but I hated seeing Grayson crying over me. This time it was my fault, I tried to kill myself.

"Because yesterday they told us that they are moving you to a place in California where you can get help. We're all planning on moving there anyway. They even have a high school offering us a scholarship for our senior year. Everyone's parents think it's a great idea because of everything that happened. But we won't be able to see you when you're in there. It's extremely strict. Family visits only every Sunday. So once you're in there we don't know how long it will take for you to get better," He says as he cries. I pull him into a hug, feeling myself start to cry as well. I caused all this pain on the people I love the most. I can't even imagine how my family feels.

"What part of Cali?" I ask trying to brighten the mood.

"LA," He says plainly. Even though I'm basically going into captivity again, I feel excited that I'm going to a new place. Maybe I could start a new beginning, maybe I could forget Adam and the past.

"Maybe this could be good for all of us. I can get treatment, you guys can start over. And when I get out we can start a beautiful life, a new life. Like new beginnings," I say as I hold his hands. He smiles over at me.

"This is why I'm so in love with you," He says as he laughs lightly. My heart stops and so does his laughing.

"I'm sorry I don't want to rush you-" I cut him off by slamming my lips onto his. He kisses back and this kiss was much longer than the one that happened at that party. I wish for nothing more other than to go back to those days when I was so happy. We pull away, staring at each other.

"You would have kept rambling on and on and-" This time he cut me off, grabbing my face and kissing me gently. I smile into the kiss, almost completely forgetting about Adam.

"Are we interrupting something?" I hear a voice ask from the doorway. We immediately pull away, our faces glowing red. I didn't even realize that he still held his hand in mine. Connie and Luis smile as they rush over to give me a hug.

"We were so worried Jae! I'm so glad you're okay!" Luis says happily as they squeeze the life out of me. I laugh at them, feeling happy finally.

"Are you guys going to LA too?" I ask hopefully. A life without the two of them would be unbearable. Well, I guess I'll have to get used to it since I'm going to be in there for a while.

"Of course we are! The whole team is!" She says happily.

"We wouldn't miss this opportunity for you to get better. This is going to be a good change for all of us," Luis says as the three of them smile down at me.

"Is Adam going?" I ask. Their smiles drop and Connie sits next to my broken body, pulling my hands onto her lap.

"Yes. I hope you're going to be okay with him after you get out. We actually tried to talk him out of it for your sake but he insisted," Connie explains. I sigh and nod my head.

"I don't think I'll ever be okay with him again," I say sadly as she nods. "I'm surprised he's even going, I thought he would wait here for Daisy."

"Jae-" Luis starts to say but I quickly cut him off before he can continue.

"He loves her, he doesn't love me," I scream as I start to cry.

"This is why they are sending you for help, so you can get better. Forget about Adam, focus on yourself," Luis says. Adam said that to me.

"I won't ever get better,"

I hate you, Adam Banks.

I hate you, Matthew Crawford.

I hate you, Jaelyn Williams.

You're a freak!

thankyou to everyone who read, voted on and commented on this book. i loved writing this book and can't wait to continue on with jae's story ;) i'm so proud of this, thankyou from the bottom of my heart:,) sequel coming SOO soon.

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