twenty-seven: you can't make me do anything

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The practice was terrible. I could not focus the entire time. Adam kept constantly trying to hurt Grayson and it was getting out of hand. I didn't even really target Daisy this practice. We both kept our distance.

"Hey wait up!" I hear Grayson say as I'm walking back to Luis' car. I stop and turn around to see him running up to me. He stops, trying to catch his breath and smiles.

"I'm sorry if I did anything to make Adam angry. It wasn't my intention. I tried to talk to him but he ignored me. I just really like you, not in that way of course, but you're really nice and a really good friend. I don't want to have to lose you already," He says sadly

I sigh as I try to collect my thoughts.
"Adam is always like this. His jealousy drives me crazy. We're not even together and he attempts to control me. You did nothing wrong, it's him. I'm sorry for the way he acts."

"Was he like that with Luis?" He asks.

"Yeah, he still is," I sigh.

"I'm sorry I wish I could help," He says as he pulls me into a hug.

"If you don't mind me asking. Are you driving with Luis today because of Adam?" He asks as I nod.

"Yeah, he normally drives me home. But Luis is coming over anyway because of the party so it works out," I say.

"Do you want me to come tonight still?" He asks. I feel my heart sink. Adam really has gotten to his head.

"Of course! Be at my house by 7:30. Text me when you're on your way," I say as I give him one last hug.

"You ready?" Luis asks as he finally arrives at his car. I nod as I pull away.

"I'll see you tonight, bye Grayson," I say as I wave to him.

"Bye Jae," He says smiling.

"See ya later man," Luis says as Grayson waves at him. I sit in the passenger seat as Luis gets into the car. He looks at me and I suddenly feel the urge to cry. I burst out into tears with no warning. Luis is quick to pull me into a hug.

"Why does he try to control everything I do. He tears people away from me. Grayson is scared to hang with me because he doesn't want Adam to find out. He's breaking me! And I have to see that stupid bitch every time I go to hockey. Hockey is supposed to be my escape but really it's the center of my problems." I sob into his chest.

"Jae, it's gonna be okay. I'm always here for you," He says, He rubs my back as I cry. Moments later there's a tap on my side of the car. Connie and Guy stand there looking worried. I break away from Luis' tight grip to open the door. As soon as I step out of the car, Connie pulls me into a hug.

"We saw you crying before when we were leaving, are you okay?" She asks as she stares into my eyes. I shake my head and cry even more.

"Aw Jae baby, it's okay," Connie says. I hear Luis whisper that Adam is the reason for my tears.

"I'm sorry Jae. I was the one who told him that Grayson was here. I get jealous too I'm really sorry." He pulls me into a hug.

"At least you're not as jealous as Adam, its okay I'll be-" I was cut off by my own crying. I pull away from him as I continue to cry.

"Adam told me he's not going to the party and he said you're not going too. He said that to Averman and he told us," Connie explains. I scoff and roll my eyes as I wipe my tears away.

"He can't control me! I'm going tonight and I'm having the best time of my life," I say smiling.

"That's our girl," Luis says as he hugs me. We said our goodbyes and got back into the car. Tonight was going to be interesting.

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