twenty-five: good lookin' new guy may I say

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Last night was pretty fun, I didn't really drink at all. Luis was the one who drank a lot, he was so gone he fell asleep at my house. It took me twenty minutes to wake him up for school this morning.

"Well look at you," Josh says laughing as we walk out to his car.

"I have a headache," Luis says groaning as he rubs his head. I laugh as I help him into the car.

"You going to the party tonight Jae?" Josh asks as I get into the car.

"Hell yeah," I say with a smile.

"And you?" Josh asks Luis with a laugh. Luis just groans and nods his head.

"Is Adam coming tonight?" Josh asks a couple minutes into the ride. Nervousness runs through my body.

"Well, you see, he doesn't even know I'm going," I say nervously. Josh turns to me with a stern look on his face.

"Jaelyn, you should tell him," Josh scolds me.

"He won't let me go and it pissed me off because we're not dating and I want to go out and fun with the girls," I explain.

"Hey!" Luis says from the back seat. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"And Luis," I say laughing.

"Maybe just talk to him, maybe he'll go with you," Josh says. I decide to take his advice and call him. He picks up after a few rings.

"Hello," I hear Adam say through the phone. Despite how angry I am at him, his voice still brings a smile to my face.

"Hi love, uh I was wondering if you would maybe possibly go with me to the party tonight so I can hang with the girls." I say quickly. He sighs loudly and there's a long pause before he finally answers.

"You better not ditch me for the girls. I better get some attention," He says laughing.

"So that's a yes?" I ask.

"No it's a maybe," He says sarcastically.

"You're so annoying," I say laughing.

"And you're so cute. You better not be wearing anything inappropriate tonight missy," He says. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"No promises," I tease.

"Hmm watch what will happen, princess," He says. I can tell he's smirking right now.

"Well I'll be waiting, Ill see you at school," I say.

"Okay baby, Ill see you at school. Come to my locker when you're done at yours." He says. My heart flutters when he calls me those names.

"I will, I love you." I say smiling.

"I love you too baby." He says and then hangs up the phone.

"Are you guys dating yet?" Josh asks.

"Sadly no," I sigh. I hated taking about me and Adam while Luis was here, I know it makes him uncomfortable.

"So Luis are you excited for our sleepover tonight?" I ask him. He laughs loudly from the backseat.

"Are you kidding me? Hell no, I'm stuck with the girls all night." He says laughing.

"Wow Luis, you really hate me that much." I say sarcastically.

"Shut up. You know I don't hate you." He says.
We finally arrive at school after one of the most awkward car rides ever.

"Hey girly, you ready for tonight?" Connie asks as the three of us approach the ducks

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