fifteen:school's new whore

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I didn't tell anyone about Adam and me last night, not even Josh or Connie. I wanted to confront Adam first before telling someone and them getting my hopes up. I was going to call Adam last night after I went home but I'd rather do it in person, in school near people so he can't kiss me again. It was like he completely controlled my feelings. I sigh and walk downstairs. Josh and Jordan were sitting at the kitchen table doing homework.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Josh asks closing his book. I nod with a smile. I quickly give both of them a hug before grabbing my school bag. The whole ride to school I was nervous about talking to Adam. I really wanted to talk to Josh and Jordan about it but I know they will go on and on about how he likes me, but I know it's not true. Last night probably meant nothing to him and that hurt a lot. It meant everything. Josh pulls into a parking spot outside school. My anxiety got worse as I walked through the doors. I didn't want to talk with Adam about it, I knew I was going to get rejected. He was definitely going to pick Daisy over me. I avoid my friends and go straight to my locker. Adam wasn't hanging with them, like usual. He was probably with Daisy somewhere. I got my books for my first class and walked off in the direction of Adam's locker. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I hear Daisy and Adam arguing about something.

"Are you kidding me? I leave and not even an hour after you're making out with some freak?" She yells at him. He was lucky there were not many people in this hallway. Just me and a few other kids walking to class.

"Babe, she's just a friend. She kissed me and I pushed her off. I didn't want to kiss her it kind of just happened." He says back calmly. Ouch. I really mean nothing to him. He was just some stupid boy who wanted to get in my pants. Why did I ever fall for that?

"Yeah, some friend that you were kissing! That's not right Adam. Do you not know how bad you hurt me?" She asks yelling.

"Oh please, you cheated on me twice. Taunted me for two years! What I did was nothing compared to that." He says, clearly annoyed.

"That was two years ago. I've changed and got better. I realized that I love you. By the looks of it, you only got worse." She says back just as nasty. "Where is she? I would like to talk to her."

"She's probably hanging with the ducks, all over Luis." He says. I was all over Luis? I didn't think of it that way. Luis helped me through some things but I didn't like him like I liked Adam. Besides, why would he even care? I know that Daisy was about to look for me so I quickly run in a different direction. I ran out a different exit and went straight to the ducks. I put Connie to the side as soon as I get there.

"Daisy wants to talk to me. Pretend as I've been here. I'll tell you why when she leaves." I explain. Connie doesn't question it and walks back over to Guy. I walk over to Luis and hug him.

"What's up, Mendoza." I say with a smile.

"What's up, Williams." He says back. He smiles down at and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I was talking to Luis and Averman when she finally found us. She started pushing the ducks out of the way to get to me.

"So you think it's okay to kiss girls boyfriends?" She asks, yelling as she gets in my face.

"Well, you obviously think it's okay to cheat on your boyfriend. Maybe your bad habits rubbed off on him." I say back. The whole time Luis kept his arm tight around me.

"Well, it looks like you cheated on your boyfriend too." She yells back. I roll my eyes.

"Don't assume shit. He's not my boyfriend." I say.

"So what, you're the school's new whore?" She asks getting closer to my face. I was getting even angrier.

"Aw, are you afraid someone's taking your title?" I ask, pouting my lip. I could tell by the look on her face that pissed her off and the laughter coming from everyone watching wasn't helping her temper. I guess words couldn't describe her anger since she swung at me. She missed and didn't hit me the first time but she didn't miss the second time. She hit me right on my cheek. I punch her back as hard as I can, hitting her right in the eye. She stumbled back, holding her eye.

"Don't swing on me if you can't defend yourself," I say. She glares at me.

"Don't kiss other girl's boyfriend." She yells back, out of breath.

"I didn't want to but your boyfriend was the one who MADE me kiss him," I say. Adam's face drained of color, he looked upset. I hope he was upset over that.

"That's not what he told me," She says.

"Don't believe everything you hear love," I say. I look at Adam straight in the eye and give him a dirty look. With no hesitation, I spin around and grab Luis by the shirt. I stand on my tippy toes and slam my lips against his. He was shocked at first but he soon put his hands on my waist and kissed me back. I pulled away. Luis was blushing and Adam was red with anger. I walked away from the scene and went to my locker. I quickly walked to first period. I sat down in a seat in the back. I was the only one in the room. I punched my desk and I wanted to cry so bad. My knuckles were bleeding. She deserved it.

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