thirty-one: a team?

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"I need to talk to Matthew,"

"No!" They all yell at me. I look at them confused.

"Why not?" I ask.

"What if he's out? He could hurt you," Grayson says.

"But if we go to the jail and see if he is still in there then I'm fine," I say.

"Yeah but that would mean someone is out to get you," Luis says. I sigh out of frustration and walk out of the kitchen. I put on my shoes and grab a jacket.

"Are you guys coming or do I have to walk?" I ask as I cross my arms across my chest. Luis sighed and grabbed his car keys off the table.

"This is a bad idea,"


I didn't realize what I was doing until I was sitting in front of him. I could tell why Jae was so scared of him. He was purely crazy. His eyes were empty and full of no life. I felt bad for Jae but I couldn't. I had a job to do.

"Did you find them? Did you send them?" He asks after staring at me after a while.

"Jeez I did," I say rolling my eyes.

"Will you tell me who you are now?" He asks as he rocks back and forth in his chair. I didn't tell him who I was yet, not until he agreed with my plan.

"I'm Daisy! And I'm here because Jae stole my boyfriend and now they're dating," I say rolling my eyes. He nearly fell out of his chair when he heard what I said.

"She has a boyfriend?" He asks. I could see the anger in his eyes. I'll admit I was pretty scared but I needed him to execute this plan perfectly. And that plan involves him.

"I hope she comes to visit me since you sent those letters. I need to have a talk with her. Jae is mine. Jae will always be mine," He yells.

"I've got to go, I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask him. He scares me and I don't want to piss him off. I don't want him to come after me too when he escapes.

"Yes," He says as he stands up and vanishes behind the glass. As I walk back to my car, I start to regret this. But I can't. I have to get my Adam back.


Instead of just me talking to Matthew this time, we all decided to talk to him. The guards of the prison led us to an open room.

"Why are we not in the room with the glass window?" I ask Luis nervously.

"Maybe since there is so many of us," Luis says as we all sit down. My heart drops when I see two guards escorting Matthew towards us.

"You're a popular one today," The guard says as he pats Matthew on the back while the other makes sure his handcuffs are secured tightly. This was Grayson's first ever time seeing Mathew, Luis, and Adam saw him at the trial. We all look at each other confused. Who else was here?

"I'm mad at you Jae. Which one is he?" He asks as he gives all the boys a dirty look.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused. Matthew knew nothing about my personal life.

"Your boyfriend Jae," He says as he rolls his eyes at me. I grabbed Adam's hand under the table.

"None of your business," I mumble.

"What?" He asks getting angry with me once again. I roll my eyes. He really thinks he can control me.

"That's not why I'm here. It is irrelveant to what I'm here to talk to you about," I say rolling my eyes. His hands were in fists on his lap as he stared down the voice.

"I was going to be nice Matthew but now I can't because of the way your acting! I just want to know what there are and who the hell sent them," I say as I pour the letters out of my bag and onto the table.

"I see you got my letters," He says as he smirks at me. Still, to this day, that smirk makes me so uncomfortable.

"Bâstard malade," (you sick bastard) I say to him. He stares at me dead in my eyes.

"Tu m'appartiendras toujours," (you will always belong to me) He says as he leans over the table. Grayson and Adam immediately pull me away from the table.

"Whoever is helping you I will find them. Don't think for one second that you are gonna get away with this," I yell at him as he struggles, trying to free himself from his handcuffs. Guards rush over and pull him away from the table.

"Je t'aime," (I love you) He yells out as they drag him away.

"Va te faire foutre," (f**k youuuu) I yell back as I stare at him with no emotion at all.

He gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen as they pull him out of the room. I quickly pick up all the letters and place them in my bag.

"Hey it's okay," Grayson says as he pulls me into a hug. I could hear Adam scoff from behind us which made me even angrier.

"Stop!" I yell as I turn around.

"It pisses me off I can't help it," He says as he crosses his arms across his chest.

"I know you have had a bad experience before. So have I so I know what that pain feels like. I wouldn't ever do that to Jae or even do it to you. In the month that I've been here, Jae has become someone who has become like my little sister. She has helped me through a lot with moving here. I love her as a sister and nothing more. You need to push the past away and let it go," Grayson says as lets go of our hug. Adam looks taken back from his sudden outburst. Well, Luis and I are shocked too. I've never seen Grayson so angry. I've also never seen anyone tell Adam off like that, besides Daisy of course.

"Please don't bring up my past. You don't know what I went through," Adam says as he pokes a finger into his chest.

"Oh boy here we go," I hear Luis mumble to me. I sigh loudly as I lay my head on Luis' shoulder.

"From what I've heard, we're in the same boat buddy," Grayson says. Adam looks furious and I was never they would fight right here in the prison.

"I'm not your buddy," Adam says as he shoves Grayson. Grayson doesn't do anything, he just stood there as Adam stared at him. I know Gray doesn't want to fight him, he has told me that so many times. We all know Adam has no problem picking a fight with Gray.

"This needs to stop," Luis says as he steps in between them. "You two can't be fighting like this. We need to all be here to help and support Jae. We need to protect her and we can't do that when you two are constantly yelling at each other."

"We are currently in jail, do you actually want to go to jail?" I ask as I step up, standing next to Luis. Grayson has already calmed down but Adam was still fuming with anger.

"Well if we're in the same boat, what the hell happened to you?" Adam asks getting in his face. Grayson's expression changes automatically. I've already heard this story which makes me want to punch Adam for making him talk about it.

"My girlfriend a few months ago cheated on me. When I found out I was moving, all my friends had an end of the school year-going away party kind of thing. Turns out the whole party was just for my girlfriend to tell me she didn't love me anymore and that she found someone new. She kissed him in front of me and everyone cheered for them, even my friends. Let's just say my summer was spent mostly in the hospital and in therapy," Grayson explains as tears run down his face. Adam's expression finally changed, he had the soft expression on his face when he sees me upset or when he felt bad for saying something.

"I'm sorry man, you actually had it a lot worse than me," Adam says as he places his hand on Gray's shoulder. Grayson stared at the floor, refusing to make eye contact. After a couple seconds, he picks his head up, no longer crying.

"Nah it's fine. I've gotten over it," Grayson says as he smiles.

"I'll stop being so rude to you. Besides we are kinda like a team now," Adam says as him and Grayson do some weird handshake.

"A team?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, we're all a team now," Luis says as he pulls all of us into a group hug.

A team that is on the run from someone out there in the world that wants me dead.
What could possibly go wrong?

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