Chapter 3

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Aubrey is watching Beca and Chloe Flirt with one another as Chloe gives Aubrey a tour of the Club.

"And this is the dance floor, we don't open up the club until around 8Pm for people who just want to visit the bar, but it gets super crazy around 10 when all of the College kids are out and want to drink."Chloe explains.

Beca looks over at Chloe and smiles seeing how proud she is talking about her Club.

"What made you call this place BELLAS?"Beca asked Chloe leans over the railing and smiles

"My Grandmother's name is Bella, she always talked about the old bars they had in the 50's where they would have fun and enjoy themselves after graduating from College I majored in Business and got Daddy to help me open this place up. I suck at math so I hired Stacie to be the accountant as well as the Bartender. She loves passing out alcohol and mixing drinks something about the chemistry of alcohol that she loves."Chloe says

"What is it that you do Beca?"Aubrey asked Beca looks at her "I work at a music store, and help Dj for a radio station."Beca says

"Pretty low income jobs, you make what less that 3,000 a year?"Aubrey asked

"Aubrey."Chloe glares at her.

"No it's okay, I don't have much experience since I took up a Musical Background in college. And I'm working to keep my family off the streets so yeah I make less than you do but money isn't everything."Beca says

"Agree to Disagree Ms. Mitchell. Money can create opportunity, Opportunity can create a lifestyle better than one has ever envisioned of having. Money makes dreams come true so I think it is everything. "Aubrey smirks

Beca remains quiet and just glares at Aubrey clenching her fists.. Chloe grabs Beca's hand "Aubrey will you excuse us."Chloe says pulling Beca into her office.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about her. Aubrey's personality is..."Chloe says

"Is she's a bitch?"Beca asked Chloe shyly smiles and Beca sighs placing her hands on her hips.

"I just don't like people judging me because I don't make enough. Or I make a certain amount."Beca says

"I don't care about that."Chloe places her hands on Beca's shoulders.

"I want to get to know YOU Beca Mitchell, not Beca Mitchell's bank account."Chloe nuzzles their noses together. Beca smiles and nods.

"That Super Barbie knows how to get under my skin. I'm sorry."Beca says

"No need to apologize, I'll have a talk with Aubrey."Chloe says Beca nods and Chloe kisses her cheek as they leave her office.

"Hey so...I was serious about that date later."Beca says caressing Chloe's hand.

"I said yes alreaady, we can do whatever you want."Chloe smiles

"I usually keep it PG 13 on the first date."Beca winks Chloe laughs.

"Chloe your father would like us all to have Lunch together as soon as we are finished here. I told me we would meet him anywhere he wants."Aubrey smiles

"Actually I can't I made plans with Beca already and I would appreciate it if you asked me before making plans for me with my father. I'm sure he'd love to have lunch with you though."Chloe says Beca holds back her laughter as Chloe looks at Aubrey.

"Also Aubrey, I didn't appreciate the snide comment you made about Beca's income. Who cares how much she makes. She's making a living for herself and her family and I admire her for that. Beca means a great deal to me and I expect you to show her respect. We're going now you can leave the way you came in, the door locks on it's own. Come On Becs."Chloe says pulling Beca along with her.

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