Chapter 12

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Beca is feeding Chloe soup while Stacie walks outside to Mr. Beale who is on a business call on his cellphone.

"Mr. Beale Aubrey thinks you should see this."Stacie says Mason hangs up his phone call and looks at Stacie's cellphone

"Who is this?"He asked

"I'm not sure but she says he could be important to Chloe's investigation."Stacie says Mason nods they go over to the Police Officer who is in Charge of Chloe's Case.

~Back in Chloe's room~ "Ah Hah! I almost dropped that."Beca laughs as she feeds Chloe a grape.

"You're loving this aren't you."Chloe laughs

"Waiting on you hand and foot? No way Beale this is torture."Beca jokes Chloe laughs but stops holding her head in pain.

"Hey Take it Easy Babe."Beca says gently kissing her forehead

"This sucks, you and i should be having a romantic date. Not being stuck here in this Sterilized room."Chloe frowns

"At least we know the air in here is clean, look we could be in a big dumpster and I would have an incredible time with you. I love you Chloe wherever you are is where I'm meant to be."Beca says Chloe smiles as Beca kisses her hand feeding her another grape.

"So are we gonna talk about your Mom being here or just watch Guiding Light reruns again? Last we left off Susan Lemay was over dosing on Cough medicine."Beca says

"I don't want to see her."Chloe responds.

"Why though? You never really talk about your Mom Babe."Beca says

"In the 10 years she and my father have been separated, My Mom has stopped trying to get in touch with me for 6. After the separation I knew she was upset with me because I chose to stay with Daddy I knew that hurt her, but I always tried to make up for that by sending her flowers every month and writing her letters, calling her stuff like that actually trying to have a relationship with my Mom. But it came to a point where she just stopped responding. I'd write a letter I'd never get a response. I'd call it's go to voicemail and so on and so forth. It was one of a reasons I fell into depression all those years ago. I felt like she didn't want me like something was wrong with me."Chloe begins to tear up.

Beca wipes Chloe's tears away and she smiles at her. "Whatever issues you Mom had for staying away for 6 years. That's all her. That's not you okay. Believe me you and I have jobs and I can't even stay away from you for an hour. I know you're upset but you gotta give her a chance to explain. It'll eat you alive if you don't."Beca says Chloe nods and Beca kisses her lips to calm her girlfriend down.

They hear a faint knock on the door and they both turn around shocked at who walks into the room. Beca quickly stands up from the bed clenching her fists.

~Back outside Stacie is playing a game on her cellphone when Aubrey sits beside her~ Stacie looks at Aubrey and she sighs

"I'm sorry for making it seem like I was blaming you. It's just Chloe's pretty much all the family I have left she's my best friend and when I found out she got hurt I just needed to blame someone and you were the best option."Stacie looks down at her feet.

"You know, I came to Atlanta because I was ordered by my father to persuade Chloe to Marry me, and that was my main purpose to being here. And when that didn't work I had the choice of going back to Columbus to focus on my small business'."Aubrey says

"Why didn't you go back?"Stacie asked

"I met you. I couldn't go back home without getting to know you first and now that I have I feel like you're everything I want. And for the first time in my life I want to go after something that I feel is worth while. No one forcing me into this, this is actually something I want. I want you Stacie."Aubrey reveals.

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