Chapter 8

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Beca's POV 

"Hi so if you've been following this story you know that this is sort of like Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, instead of battling Ex Boyfriends I have to pretty much battle everyone in Chloe's life who doesn't like me. Which is great because all I want to do is make her happy which is impossible to do if everyone she knows is telling her to dump me. So that is why I am here At the music store coming up with ideas with Cynthia Rose and Luke on how to make these rich snobs in Chloe's life like me.

"Lets just rob a bank that way you'll have a crap load of money."Luke says

"That's a terrible idea Luke."Cynthia Rose shakes her head.

"Not a bad idea honestly seems like the only way they'll ever accept me is if I have a crap load of money. Which is not possible."Beca says as she puts records together on the shelf. They hear the door bell ring and suddenly Jax' laughter fills the store Beca turns around and smiles as Jax hugs her and then runs over to also hug Cynthia Rose and high five Luke.

"Hi Beautiful."Luke jokes as Chloe walks into the music store holding food bags for the workers.

"Hey she's mine."Beca turns to him Chloe sets the bags on the desk "I got Philly cheesestakes for everyone dig in."She says Beca walks over.

"Marry me just Marry me now."Luke falls to her knees.

"Luke you're a great boss but if you keep hitting on my girl I'll hit you."Beca groans everyone laughs and Beca rubs Chloe's back smiling at her.

"Hi."Chloe smiles as Beca leans to kiss her lips.

"Missed you, how was Jax class?"Beca asked

"Show her Jax."Chloe smiles proudly Jax holds up a picture he drew from school and on the picture was stick figures of Beca Chloe and Jax all happy smiling in front of a house. On the drawing was a big bright gold star sticker.

"Teacher gave me big star!"Jax smiles

"That's amazing Jax! Tell you what tonight we'll celebrate with Pizza and going to the movies"Beca smiles

"You hate the movies."Luke interrupts

"Yeah but Jax wants to see Deadpool."Beca shrugs

"Beca he can't see that he's 6!"Chloe frown

"Please Chloe! Deadpool is cool He has a sword!"Jax smiles Chloe rolls her eyes

"We watch it at the drive in."Beca winks at Chloe Cynthia Rose laughs and Jax claps.

As Chloe is helping clean up the mess Beca wraps her arms around her girlfriend's waist and she kisses her cheek.

"How'd the talk with your father go?"Beca asked Chloe sighs and faces her "He still doesn't approve of us being together which isn't a surprise he gave me the song of "She will never be good enough for you" with a chorus of "Break up with her now now now"Chloe says

"I hate that song."Beca says Chloe frowns as she sits on the counterand Beca strokes her cheek and smiles at her

"Why can't he just be happy for us?"Chloe asked

"I don't know Baby I wish I knew, but as long as your happy with me that's all that matters right?"Beca asked

"I'm very happy with you."Chloe nods

"Then Screw what the others think, we make each other happy."Beca says

"He's my Dad though Bec, he's the only family I really have left and I would LOVE if you two could be in the same room together."Chloe says

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