Chapter 1

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"They say that all is fair in love and war..well I say that's just bull crap. The saying should have been. I'm in love with this person and it's my business so stay the hell of it. Falling in love never should have been in the cards for me. Hell I don't even like people but I tell you I have met my soulmate. And I'll be damned if I let anyone take her love away from me. When you find the love of your life you fight like hell to keep them and that's what I'm doing right now fighting to keep the love of my life with me, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Let me catch you guys up to speed. It all started at my best friend Cynthia Rose's 24th birthday "Beca says

~3 weeks ago~

"Come on Bec."Cynthia Rose begs

"No CR I love you I do but I can't afford to get into that club I don't even know why you bother asking. Plus I have to work the night shift for the Music Store remember and Luke barely pays me minimum wage. I have a family I need to help support."Beca says

"You don't even have to pay the fee to get in. It's all taken care of PLUS I want you to DJ. The Club Owner is a friend of mine anyways. Come on you've been working so hard the past 2 years you need a break."Cynthia Rose says

"Ever since Dad's Company got shut down he hasn't been able to find a steady job so I have to work my ass off just to keep the lights on and food on the table for my family."Beca sighs

"Just One night I need my best friend and you have the best music taste the club might hire you as a permanent DJ you'd make stacks of money. Think of this as a business opportunity."Cynthia Rose says

"Alright Alright I'll go."Beca sighs Cynthia Rose laughs and smiles as she and Beca do their best friend hand shake.

"Be at the Club before 11 so you can set up with the Club DJ then work your Music Magic this is gonna be awesome Beca!"Cynthia Rose yells

Beca drives her 1965 Suzuki Motorcycle to the front of an old fashion Condo Complex she shuts off the engine and pulls off her Dark Purple Helmet she looks up at the house and sighs.

Once entering inside Beca's ears are filled with loud yelling from her Father and Mother who are probably yelling about how the bills are past due again.

Beca ignores them and makes her way into her room seeing her little brother Jax who is 6 years old coloring on her bed.

"Hey Bud."Beca smiles sitting down placing her Motorcycle helmet on her table. "Becs!"Jax smiles and runs into her arms hugging her tightly. Beca frowns seeing Jax has red puffy eyes probably from the yelling that's going on in the house.

Beca shuts her door and turns on her laptop clicking onto a website where Jax can watch a movie. Jax smiles and she kisses his head.

"You pick which Ninja Turtle episode you want to watch and make sure Raphael is kicking some major butt in it too."Beca says Jax laughs and nods.

Beca hands him her head phones and Jax gladly puts it on while Beca walks out of her room and closes the door making sure Jax doesn't hear what's about to happen.

"What are you two yelling about now? And Why the Hell was Jax crying."Beca crosses her arms as she faces her parents

"Your father has been unemployed for over 2 years now he needs to be a man and step up!"Megan yells

"Excuse me if NO ONE WANTS TO HIRE ME!"Warren yells

"Work at McDonalds or Taco bell then! Your daughter is working 2 jobs and is exhausted she shouldn't have to work this hard for OUR family!"Megan yells

"Beale Corporations shut down my business it's not like anyone is hiring a business owner no a days."Warren says

"You can't always blame them for your laziness! You just don't want to work Warren!"Megan Yells

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