Chapter 10

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Jax is opening his mouth as Beca feeds him some vegetables Chloe's hearts melts at the scene and Mason smiles at the siblings he was very wrong about Beca. If she could do anything in her power to care for her baby brother, Beca would certainly do anything in her power to make sure Chloe was happy.

"You know we have a trampoline in the back. Jax might love to play on that."Mason smiles Chloe smiles widely and kisses her father's cheek.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Daddy! What do you say Mitchells?" Chloe asked Jax smiles and claps and Beca laughs nodding in agreement.

"JUMPY YAY!"Jax yells Chloe laughs and Beca smiles at her little brother messing up his hair.

~Outside in The Beale's Backyard~ Chloe and Beca are laying down on the hammock watching as Maria and Jax jump up and down on the trampoline.

"You have a trampoline...why do you need one?"Beca laughs Chloe shrugs "It was a spur of the moment purchase I originally wanted this in my room."Chloe says Beca laughs and turns to face her girlfriend.

"Are things finally going the way they should be?"Beca asked Chloe hums and nods her response.

"I don't think we'll have any problems for the rest of our lives."Chloe says

"Now you just jinxed us! Quick say something else."Beca fake panics Chloe laughs and pulls the brunette's face to hers as she kisses her lips.

"I love you very much."Chloe mumbles Beca's heart flutters and Beca smiles.

"I love you too Baby. I can not wait for us to finally just start being happy."Beca says Chloe kisses her lips again and cuddles her as they watch Jax enjoying his time on the trampoline.

~The next couple of days Beca had been working for Nigel at Lighthouse Entertainment Nigel was actually impressed at how knowledgeable Beca was with music and beats and chord progressions it was all amazing to him. She knew more that his staff and he was very impressed with her and how well the music came out. He was so impressed that he had been ignoring Sterling's phone calls~

"This is off the hook Mitchell, I gotta say this is the best mix I've heard it's fresh it's edgy and I think artists are going to line up to get this on their tracks."Nigel nods in approval.

"Actually we have one...Jessie J wants to try and add it to her new song I hope you don't mind but I asked her to come to the studio so we could see how it would go with her song."Beca says

"You got my small ass company a big time celebrity who wants to use your mix in her song."Nigel asked

"Yeah Uhm my girlfriend Chloe she owns that hot club BELLAS and Jessie J was there one night and Chloe played this mix and Jessie wants to use it since it's new and stuff. If it's not okay then..."Beca says

"No this is amazing we're gonna get paid so much money for this! You're a great investment Beca Mitchell. Because of you we're gonna go places."Nigel smiles Beca smiles proudly and gets back to work Nigel's cellphone begins to ring and he looks down it says "SP" On it he quickly decline the call and walks over to Beca as she plays him what she's been working on.

~Posen business office~ "Good for nothing piece of trash."Sterling slams his cellphone

"Father you have an appointment with Claire, what are you upset about?"Aubrey asked

"That punk Nigel has been ignoring every attempt I have made to check up on him and his progress with Beca. I need to know she's suffering and I can't know that if he doesn't answer my damn calls!"Sterling slams his fist on the table.

"Father Mason Beale called off this operation, why bother going through with it?"Aubrey asked

"I have plans for us Aubrey. Plans that include The Beale's Money."Sterling says

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