Chapter 18

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4 chapters left! :D *In a previous chapter I stated I would do a time jump but the plot with Chloe's Mother over ruled that decision FYI if there was any confusion*

~At the police station~ Janine was being held in the interrogation for 5 hours.

"I did not kill Sterling Posen."Janine states

"Why else would you be at the exact same hotel as him?"The Officer asked

"Because the Hilton is the same hotel that's 6 miles away from my daughter who I have been visiting since I got back."Janine says

"You were even on the same floor as Mr. Posen."The Officer says

"I wanted a room with a view of the City. I didn't kill him do you even see me coming out of his room?"Janine asked

"We have you walking down the hall at the time Mr. Posen was last seen alive."He says

"I didn't kill him."Janine repeats

~Outside of the Interrogation room~ Chloe is nervously sitting in a seat . Mason runs his fingers through his hair and looks over at his nervous daughter.

"The Secretary says they've been interrogating your Mother for 5 hours."Mason says

"This is insane right I mean. Mom a murderer? I just don't see that."Chloe says shaking her head very confused.

"Apparently they obtained footage from the Hotel video camera proving that your Mom was on the exact same floor that Sterling was in."Beca says walking back to the others.

"How'd you get information that out?"Stacie asked

"One of the Police officer's is a big fan of the music I produce so I sort of bribed him into telling me what he knew in return I'd bring him and his daughter to the recording studio."Beca nonchalantly says she turns her head and sees Chloe the saddest she's ever been.

"She won't admit it but this is hard on her, she loves her Mother but her anger and pride is just clouding her judgement."Mason says Beca nods and walks over to Chloe.

"Come on Wife. Let's take a walk."Beca holds her hand. Chloe instantly takes it but stops

"But Mom...the Lawyer."Chloe says

"We'll be here you guys get some air."Mason nods

~Outside Beca hands Chloe a cup of Ice coffee she bought from a Local Starbucks stand~

"Do you think she did it? Do you think she killed him?"Chloe asked as she takes a seat Beca shrugs and shoves her hands in her pocket.

"Let me ask you this. Do you think your Mother is capable for doing that? Of Taking another life in cold blood?"Beca asked

"I want to say No, I want to say she's not capable of hurting anyone but, I can't. My Mother was capable of ignoring me fore 6 years. She was capable of pretending that her only Daughter didn't exist and she was capable of being nothing but a Name on a piece of paper. Honestly Beca I don't know who that woman is anymore so I can't defend whether or not she's innocent in this. Why is this happening?"Chloe sobs. Beca kneels down and wipes Chloe's tears away.

"I don't know Baby. I wish I knew how to make this all go away but I can't. What I can do is be here for you. And kiss those tears away."Beca says

"Thank You."Chloe tries to smile Beca kisses her forehead and lips.

~Back inside~ One Investigator walks out to Mason and crosses his arms.

"We can hold her here for the night until we get word from the DA but she'll need 2500 dollars bail. If you wanted to post that."He says Mason nods

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