Chapter 11

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Beca is in the waiting room rubbing her forehead waiting for the Doctors to come out with information on Chloe. As Beca sighs the instant smell of coffee fills her nose Beca opens her eyes and she sees Aubrey holding a cup of coffee in front of her.

'No Thanks."Beca declines.

'You've been awake for nearly 12 hours you should drink this. It's also a peace offering."Aubrey says. Beca accepts the coffee and Aubrey sits beside her.

"My whole life My Father always told me he wanted a son to pass down his legacy to. And when my Mother had me obviously he was nothing but disappointed. So as I grew up I made a vow to myself to be as worthy of holding his father's Family name as any son would be. But time and time again he would just be disappointed in my every triumph I've had it would never be good enough for him. So that's sort of why I am the way I am."Aubrey says

"No Offence but your father is a dick."Beca says

"None Taken."Aubrey nods in agreement.

"This doesn't make us friends okay. You basically tried to steal my girlfriend from me the whole time you've been in town so excuse me if I'm still a little sketched out at the idea of us having a chat right now. Also your father did this to her."Beca says

"My father is many things. But I did not know he would be capable of harming someone. Let alone the daughter of a supposed Friend."Aubrey says she turns to Beca who's leg won't stop bouncing up and down.

"You're really scared to lose Chloe , aren't you?"Aubrey asked

"I'm terrified. I just got her in my life. We've been talking about the future and romantic crap like that. Chloe's my future if anything happens to her I just. I don't know okay."Beca says looking down at the ground.

"For Chloe Beale?"The Doctors says Mason hangs up the phone and walks over to the Doctor

"I'm her father."He says

"Sir your daughter has mild head trauma from hitting the steering wheel, she has some stitches above the eyebrow. She's very lucky there was no internal bleeding near her brain the impact she had could have caused that but she's very fortunate."He says

"So is she awake can we see her?"Beca asked anxiously

"She's still unconscious which is common she should be awake in if not 5 than 8 hours. I'll be observing from time to time just let us know when she's awake."He says

"Thank You Doctor."Mason says shaking his hand.

"Mr. Beale you go first I guarantee you if I see Chloe first I won't vacate the room."Beca says Mason nods and pats her on the back

"There's my sunshine."Mason smiles sitting down in the chair beside Chloe and kisses her forehead.

"Oh Sweetie this is all my fault, I never should have agreed to let Sterling into our lives. I promise Sweetie Daddy will take care of this. Sterling won't get away with harming you. He'll regret the day he ever hurt you. Things will be different, I won't be busy with The Business I'll spent time with you and we'll act like a real family. I need you to fight. Daddy needs his little girl."Mason says

~In the Waiting area~ Beca Jax Aubrey Cynthia Rose and Stacie are all comforting Jax since he also wants to make sure Chloe is alright.

"He must have been so scared."Stacie sadly says looking at the 6 year old.

"He's definitely shaken up. He couldn't help Chloe when she was hurt and he really wanted to help."Beca says as she watches Jax color with Cynthia Rose.

"And your Demon of a father did this to her. Yet you have the audacity to be here?"Stacie asked

"Stacie, Aubrey had nothing to do with this."Beca says

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