Chapter three: A Confession

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It's funny how the feelings of meeting new friends is an uneasy one. I'm freaking out until an idea comes to mind.

"Hey, how 'bout I order, and you can catch up with your friends," I say to avoid confrontation.

"Okay, sure!" He says, jogging off. I walk into the line, glance over to his direction, and watch him walk to his friends. I count four of them; three dudes, one girl. They all high- five and share greetings, then Danny starts talking and points in MY direction! I quickly turn my head and place my order (it's a vanilla bean). 

My train of thought immediately goes back to what might've happened to me last night, and how I ended up at my house. Unfortunately, my brain can't seem to remember, maybe I got amnesia, or...something, how should I know.

I finally decided to head over to Danny and his friends (after what felt like EVER!) to meet them. When I reach their table everyone, but Danny is looking at me funny. Danny stands up to introduce me,

"Guys, this is Elena, my new friend." He says with confidence. All I do is mutter a "Hey" as a reply (I'm very good at this "friend" thing.... Ahem, not really).

"Here Elena, you can have my seat," He says as if he's reading my mind, "I'll be right back." He says as he leaves me and his friends. After looking down for what seemed like ever, I finally have the guts to look up, and that's when I see- "Ava!?, I can't believe I didn't recognize you!" I say, utterly shocked. Then Danny returns just at the right (wrong!) time.

"You know this girl, Ava?" Asks the boy sitting next to her.

"Yes, Luke, we're friends actually. She and a couple of her friends live with me." She says and smiles at me, I smile back. She introduces me to the rest of the pack.

"That's Peter, Sam and of course, Luke." She says, pointing to each of them.

"Nice to meet you all," I say with my kindest smile.

"You know Aves, your friend's kinda cute- Ow!" Sam says as Ava kicks him.

"Huh, I didn't know you knew Ava, Elena," Danny says, dumbfounded. I then tell him and everyone else the whole story of me and how I met Ava.

 By the time I'm finished, I get a text; it's from Yusei! (Eeee!) I get up to go to the bathroom and decide to call him. 

"Hey, where are you?" He says repeating his text.

"At Starbucks with friends, why?" I reply.

"I have a surprise for you, meet you at your house, okay?" Then he hangs up. I walk out and tell Danny and his friends that I have to go. Then I head out. I look in my purse for my phone but find three scraps of paper. 

I stop and look at the papers; they must be Sam, Peter, and Luke's numbers! Ava must've put them there. I continue walking but bump into someone causing them to fall over.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" I say holding out my hand. It takes the boy a minute, but he finally looks up at me and takes my hand.

"No, it's okay I'm good, no harm done, man!" The boy says with a goofy grin.

"Okay well, I have to go, bye!" I say heading home.

I then meet up with Yusei at my doorstep, he looks at me with intense eyes. "Elena, I know this seems sudden, but I.... Have feelings for you." He says awaiting my response. "Yusei... I like you too, but... I'm scared."

"Scared? Scared of me, what is it?" he says concerned as he takes my hand in his.

"No, not of you... Of being loved... I mean... I just... I don't know." I say pulling away.

"Well, how about we explore this together?" He says as he pulls me back in. I take a deep sigh and give him a firm nod. He takes out a ring with two butterflies on it and slides it on my middle finger. Then, we share a kiss, say our goodbyes, and I go inside. 

Once upstairs and in my room, a weird sensation washes over me and I fall asleep immediately.

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