Chapter seven: Break Out

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My eyes flutter open to the sound of arguing voices, but these voices sounded young. Am I still in Avengers Tower?  I thought. I look around and get my answer - still am! Then who...? I look around for someone who might've put me here or knows why I'm here. I find a face hiding in the distance so I kinda have to squint.

"Um, hey do you have any idea who put me here?" I say then wiggle my arms, "Or why I can't move my arms which clearly have no ropes?"

The face smiles, or what I assume is a smile and walks closer to me and into the light.

"Hey, you're not as bad as he said you'd be! That's good, means I can get you out of these "ropes"! I'm Bart by the way, nice to meet you!" He says, untying me... I could've sworn there wasn't anything on me.

"Nice to meet you too, Bart, I'm Elena," I say standing up. I walk out of whatever room I'm in and try to find the elevator.

"So, like, how'd you get to the tower anyway, I mean like where'd you come from?" Bart askes. I decide to ignore him and find my way out. I finally find the elevator when some dude blocks my exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said. I frown and turn around to walk in the other direction.

"Hey, I was talking to you!" He says, grabbing my wrist and turning me around.

"Ow! Hey, let me go!!" I say trying to pull free. Ouch, this kid's got some grip! I thought as tears spring into my eyes.

"Hey, let her go, Terry! She's not that bad!" Bart said. I look back at him and mouth 'thank you' and turn back to 'Terry'. He let my wrist go and backed up a bit. I circled my wrist to regain feeling in it and I'm about to hug Bart when something pinches my butt.

"Hey!!" I say turning around to cover my butt with my hand. The culprit is some kid with bleached white hair and a very satisfied smirk on his face; I gave him a look...

"Uh, excuse you?" I say to him while crossing my arms. He just shrugs-shrugs!- and walks off. That's it! I'm getting' outta here! I thought with an exasperated sigh.

I look back at Bart and say, "Could you let Black Widow know I'm gone? Thanks!" Then I take my leave (after finding the way out of course) and head home. Wait a sec, I thought, I must be miles away from home!

"Ah, snap!" I say aloud. I run my hands through my hair thinking of how stupid I am. I close my eyes and walk back inside, maybe they'll let me stay the night. I walk into the elevator and hit the button to the top floor, but then sleepiness gets the better of me and I fall asleep. (I know and in an elevator no less!)

"Hey Nat, could you get my keys from my room?" Clint said.

"You mean the keys you put in my room?" I countered. He looks at the ground and nods. I head off to my room when the elevator doors open, revealing... An unconscious Elena!?!

"Oh no, nonono..." I mumble as I rush over to her. Oh, thank God, she's just sleeping ­ I thought, releasing a breath. I pick her up and take her to my room to lay her in my bed to rest. Then, I grab Clint's keys and leave her be.

My eyes begin to flutter open to the sounds of unfamiliar noises. Ugh, did I fall asleep in the elevator? Wait, it didn't feel like I was in one, it felt like I was on a bed. But, how would that work?

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