Chapter twelve: Where Am I??

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Where is this place?? Where am I?? I thought, scanning the scenery around me. I cautiously spread my wings and elevate a few feet into the sky to get a better idea of my surroundings. I could still see the Empire State Building but it much further away than it was earlier. Did I just teleport?? I thought, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay then..." I mumble as I touch the ground again. I look behind me and see this dark, looming building – I mean the way the building was constructed probably played a bigger factor in that but whatever.

"Oh, hello, are you lost?" A female voice says behind me, I turn and see Jean Grey – she appeared to be going for a run.

"Uh, yeah...I think I am...Do you know where I am?" I ask.

"You're at Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters; would you like to come inside for something to eat? Or drink?" She asks.

"Yeah...I'd like that very much, thank you," I reply, following her. Walking into the school felt like going back in time; the décor around me looked like antiques... My dad would geek out about this architecture though. 

I was so immersed in everything around me, I failed to see what was happening in front of me. I had lost track of where Jean went and now I was lost...Well, carp. I should ask around for a superior... I thought as I looked at the people just minding their own business.

"Uh, excuse me, do you know where I can find this school's principle?" I ask as I make my way over to a girl group of what looked like triplets. They all do a double-take before one of them answered.

"Oh, uh, here I have an idea! Why don't I take you there? Ya know to save you the trouble of looking and besides, I'm terrible with directions anyway" She offered.

"Ah, thank you so much! You see, earlier, Jean Grey was leading me to somewhere I can get something to eat but then I got distracted by the architecture and lost her, heh, funny how that works, right?" I say, laughing at myself.

"Oh, I totally understand! When we first got here, this whole place just blew us away! So, no worries! Oh, here we are!" She says, stopping us at a door.

"Go through there and solve all your problems!" She says as she promptly leaves. I knock a bit on the door and here an "Enter" from the other side so I walk in.

"Oh... Odd, I didn't receive anything on a new student arrival..." Professor Xavier half-mumbled half-said as he looked through a few papers on his desk.

"Ah, n-no, actually I-" I get caught off when Jean abruptly enters the room.

"There you are! I can't believe I lost you, ugh I totally thought you were still following me! I'm sorry about that."

"Ah, Jean, you know her?" Professor Xavier asked, putting his papers down.

"Yes, I met her outside, she looked a bit lost so I offered her something to eat or drink but then... This happened, ha!" Jean replied with a shake of her bright red hair.

"Well, then, I do believe you may take the situation back into your hands." He said as Jean nodded.

"You know, maybe you should walk beside me from now on, okay?" Jean suggests as we make our way out. I take her suggestion as we make it to our destination.

"Choose whatever you'd like, we're not sticklers about that sort of thing! I'll be back in a few, don't go anywhere far." Jean said as she left the room. So, I grab whatever and cop a squat on the countertop. I guess I can teleport now... Guess I'll add that to the list... I thought with a roll of my eyes. I wonder if it would be okay to test my hypothesis... Is the cause for people coming after me romantically all because of them making prolonged contact with me? I honestly don't know anymore...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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