Chapter nine: Awkward Problems...Sorta

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My alarm goes off at six-fifty, letting me know that today's Thursday. All that stuff happened and it's barely been a week, I thought as I rolled out of bed. I got dressed and shuffled downstairs to the kitchen. I see my friends sitting around the island and they all looked at me when I entered.

"Oh my gosh! Seriously, we have to put a tracker on you if you're gonna keep disappearing!" Joy says, slightly annoyed.

"And keep your phone with you at ALL times, you hear me? All times." She added. Everyone else nodded as they got up to hug me.

"Tell us all about it, but later, you need some food, so we can go to school." She continued as I nodded. She told me about how easy it was to cover for me at school, she also completed three days' worth of my homework with the others, so I wasn't that far behind. I tried to tell her how that was a bad move, but she shushed me.

"Just go get your bag so we can go, okay?" She says pushing me a little. I went and got my bag and we hurried off to school.

A few hours (of my life) go by and the lunch bell tolls. Good, I thought, nearly done. When I get to my usual table, I notice some of my classmates look at me then look away. I shrug it off, since it's most likely due to my absence, and sit down. Joycelene joins me shortly after I've started eating.

"How is it you're always the first one here? Oh, whatever, doesn't matter." She says, taking out her lunch, "So what happened to you?" She says, looking at me intensely.

"Oh, well there was a scuffle and the Avengers were there, they invited me to their place for a few days, that's all," I say, giving her the half-assed explanation.

"Really? No details? C'mon, Elena!" She says, leaning towards me more.

"Maybe after school, it's a long story," I say, looking at my lunch.

"Ugh, fine after school it is." She replies, mumbling complaints as we ate.

Getting ready to head to third period, I grab my books from my locker and shove them in my bag while trying to put the not needed ones in my locker. I'm about to close my locker when a hand slams onto the locker door to my left. I jolt in surprise and nearly drop my bag.

"So, where were you, Elena? Everyone was missing you." Said the person behind me.

"C-Crow? Is that you?" I ask, he doesn't answer but I knew it was him.

"Ya know, you could've called." He says in a slightly pouty voice, inching closer to me.

"W-well, I didn't have my phone with me so... Eh!?" I say, feeling his other arm wrap around my waist.

"You made me really worried, Elena." He mumbles. He's so close! I can feel his hot breath on my neck! I thought, blushing intensely. I try not to think of how uncomfortable and awkward he's making me feel, but he only makes it worse when he nibbled at my ear.

"Gah! U-um what? Uh, hey heh." I say flusteredly. He laughs a little.

"Hmm, such a bashful response~" He muttered in my ear.

"Y-yeah? Well, y-you've had your fun! Now, l-let me go!" I say, wishing I could've said that more assertively.

"I'm coming to your house after school. You can count on that~" He says, kissing my neck.

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