Chapter ten: Heh, Yikes

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Laughing, I hear laughing... I open my eyes, but it's nothing but darkness I hear voices, discussing... Something; I see them, two at first, a third they're unaware of; They're making something, something powerful and tame at the same time but the third... He's tainting it! Making it out of control!! The others, they don't notice him or the carnage that it will cause!!! The universe as she knows it will crack and shatter!

But it's too late, the pieces have been set, Gods bless that poor little girl's soul...

I wake up to the sound of my blaring alarm clock. Ugh, right... School I thought as I rolled out of bed. Why can't it be the weekend and NOT Friday? I have a lot to think about this weekend, now I gotta add that dream to my list.

"Elena! Come get some breakfast !" Ava yells from downstairs. I let out a sigh and made my way downstairs.

"What's on the menu today, Lia?" I ask Bedelia. She turns away from the stove and hands me a small piece of paper. Fancy.

"Well, you have the bold choice of either oatmeal or cereal. Hard decision, eh?" She replies. I giggle at her sarcasm.

" Oh, yes, a very difficult decision, you've outdone yourself," I say, grabbing a few granola bars and stuffing them into my bag.

"We should probably head out Joy, see ya later guys!" I say, heading for the door.

"Alright, but you go on ahead of me, 'kay? Cool! See ya soon!" Joycelene says. I go on ahead of her and when she does arrive, it's like ten minutes later. The school day went by normally (thank God) without any unnecessary interruptions. "Good, you can actually learn what they're teaching and remember it' I hear you say and, yeah I totally agree with you on that. It's just that after school is when things got interesting.

"Hey, Elena, what's up? I haven't seen you in a while, how've you been?" Yusei says as he gets into step beside me.

"Augh, that's right! I haven't called you in a minute, have I? I'm sorry, these past few days have been...Eventful, to say the least," I reply, looking at my feet (like they were the most interesting thing in the world, again!).

"Well hey, why don't you come over to my place and you could tell me about it," He says, leading me over to his duel runner. Of course, I said yes, like why wouldn't I? I text Joycelene the deats, (she's very happy for me btw), and I get on Yusei's duel runner after he does. I wonder how long this drive will be, I thought as I started to doze off.

I wake again shortly after, the sound of the engine told me we were still on the road.

"Hey! Are we there yet?" I ask cuz I'm not sure, and I couldn't see past Yusei's back.

"We're getting closer, don't worry, why don't you head back to sleep," he says. I consider his suggestion for a few seconds, but then I get lost in the fact that I'm this close to Yusei, I'm practically hugging him!! Man, it's been a while. He smells so good, I thought as a blush crept across my face, It's so comforting. My eyelids suddenly felt very heavy.

The next, next time I wake, we've already stopped, and it seemed like we've been stopped for a few minutes.

"We're here already?" I ask, rubbing the sleep outta my eyes.

"Yeah, actually, we've been here for like five minutes," He replied...wut?

"Why didn't you wake me up!?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

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