Chapter five: What the!?

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"Uuuuuugh... Mornings..." I groan as someone pulls my comforter away.

"Yeah, well it's a Monday morning; meaning you have to get up for school." Says my friend Ava. She continues to drag me out of bed and downstairs to the kitchen.

"Ya know I could've just walked myself, right?" I told her, as I stood.

"Yeah...but this was more fun!" She replies with a smile. Oh, Ava, I thought to myself, you're SO cute! I sit down at the dining table, pour myself a bowl of cereal, and start eating. Afterward, I got dressed, made my bed, and brushed my hair.

"Alright, Joycelene! Let's Go!!" I shout as I walk out the front door. She walks up behind me, and we head off to school. *sigh* Another incredibly LONG day at school, I thought, but at least I have my best friend!

Just as I was about to board the school bus, the ground shook. It shook me off the steps and I fell butt first on the ground. The bus takes off...  With my friend in it!!

"Wait!! Come back! You forgot me!!" I shouted after the retreating bus. Are you kidding me right now? I thought. Great, now I'll have to walk to school... ON FOOT!! Suddenly, I had a strange feeling as though I'm being followed... Uh oh. I feel like I should worry about that... Nah, I have to focus on getting to school. Suddenly, a hand goes over my mouth (gosh darn IT!! Again!!) and everything goes black.

I walk up shortly after from the motion of being shoved in the back of a van, (or what I assume is the back of a van, I've never BEEN shoved into a van before!) I hear a (or what sounds like a car door) slam, uh oh, I'm definitely getting kidnapped for real.

Oh geez, not today! I was SUPPOSED to go to school, not get kidnapped, oh no we're stopping. I hear voices outside, and then the sound of the door opening. Soon enough, I'm lifted and carried to... Wherever I was going. Then I hear a strange voice:

"Did you bring her?" It said. Saaay Whaaaa??!! Then I hear another voice.

"Yes, I did, she's right here." It said triumphantly. What in the world is going on? I wondered.

I can't speak, I for sure can't see anything (Gosh darn blindfolds!) AND on top of that; these people were looking FOR ME!!

I'm sat into a chair, after walking for what seemed like EVER, and put into restraints around my wrists.

"Time to begin the... Eh, can she hear us? Like right now? Shouldn't we drug her?" Says a voice. Eh, what!??! Oh no, you don't!! I thought as I start shaking around.

"Oh dear, I suppose we should drug her; she's much too shaky." Says a second voice. Not much was heard after that, as I fall into a sedated sleep.

I wake up in someone's arms, I'm too weak to open my eyes, but it feels like they're carrying me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask no one in particular.

"Somewhere safe, no worries." Replied a familiar voice. Okay, I thought, good at least I'll be home. After a quick drive, we reached our destination.

I had no idea if I was home or not... My eyes refused to open! Eh, might as well go to sleep to build my strength, I wonder where I am...

I hear muddled voices around me as my consciousness returned. What's going on? I thought.

"Elena? Are you awake?" A very eager, yet familiar voice said.

"I... Think I am, who... Were those people? What happened to me?" I reply. I finally have the strength to open my eyes,

I see my boyfriend Yusei sitting on the edge of my bed. I smile, then I look around my room and see my friends. I smile wider and suddenly I didn't feel like wanting to know what happened to me.

"Oh guys," I say, "you don't know how much I've missed you." They rush over to hug me and we collapse in a heap of uncontrolled sobs.

"We found you outside of an old warehouse... Unconscious... There was a bit of blood... We didn't know if..." Bedelia trails off.

"We didn't know if you were dead or not." Ava finishes.

"Yeah, it... It looked like you weren't breathing... It was scary." Joycelene adds. I snapped my fingers, suddenly remembering something.

"That's right... I remember hearing two guys were talking about me. They said they were gonna do something to me." I said.

"Gonna do what to you?!?!!" shouted an angry Yusei.

"I... I don't know, it doesn't look physical though," I reply.

"That just makes it WORSE!! It could mean they did something on the inside of you!!" He shouts back as my friends watch in awkward – Was it awkward? – silence.

"Okay... Yeah, I guess that would make it worse," I say contemplating. Hmm, this is soooo weird.

"I don't feel any different, inside or outside," I say to him. It seems to have calmed him a little, I thought.

"We're just glad you're home!" says Ava.

"Yeah, me too," I reply, giving her a hug, "Now if you'll excuse me... I need a nap."

So, I head upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed. Little did I know that, after today, my whole life was about to change.

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