Chapter six: A Lucky Chance

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I'm running. Running from something or someone... Then it feels as though I ran off a cliff. I'm falling. Falling for what seemed like forever, until a pair of arms grab me. Not just one pair... Dozens, thousands more appear. They suck me down farther into the dark abyss...

I wake with a start, breathing heavily as I try to gather my thought. What on Earth was that? I thought. It felt so... Real, ugh I need a snack. I looked at the clock, it read 5 am. I head downstairs to the kitchen, just as I reach it though, I hear a noise outside. Uh, oh that didn't sound right I thought.

I didn't want to check it out, but part of me got too curious. I creep over to the front door and open it just enough for me to stick my head out. Brr, it's cold outside, I mean DUH New York much? I look around, and I start to think I was just hearing things... That is until I see a boy in the distance. Hey, that's the boy I ran into that day! I open the door more and walk over to him.

"Hey, whatcha doin' out here at this hour?" I say to him. He looks up at me like I'm a ghost of some sort. Then, he gets up, takes two steps back, and runs. Fast. What the? Well, that was weird, I thought. I head back inside (lock the door this time), get my snack and go back to bed.

Later in the morning, I wake not in my bed but on the floor, not my floor someone else's floor. What is with me and getting taken? Geez, and there's no Liam Neeson to help me. I look around to see where my captors are, but I see no one.

"...Okay... I know you're there!" I say hopefully intimidatingly. Then, the boy from last night walks out of the shadows.

"You again? What do you want? 'Cuz, I'm kinda getting' tired of being kidnapped." Then, four more people walk out. They're all teenagers!?

" B-but How'd you get in my house?!" Saying that last part of my thought out loud, ugh I hate how my voice cracked when I said 'house.'

"We are your worst nightmare!!" One of the taller boys says. Goth girl rolls her eyes, while Glasses glares at him then looks at me with an apologetic smile.

"Excuse him, I'm Honey Lemon, that's Wasabi, this is Hiro, and that's Fred." She says to me, pointing to each of her friends. The one they call 'Hiro' kept staring at me likeI wouldn't notice.

"Well, uh... Hi, nice to meet y'all but I'd like to go home, please," I say looking at Honey Lemon.

"Of course... But, uh..." She starts. Then Goth girl returns-she left?-and finishes, "But we don't know where we are." She says sternly.

"Oh, Go Go, I didn't see you come in..." Honey stammers. "Go Go" completely ignores her and continues glaring at me so I glare back.

"You're in Manhattan, where else would you be?" I say to them. They all look like a large rock got hurled at their faces. I'm guessing they didn't know that, so I take this as my chance and sneak away. I'm already outside when that Hiro kid stops me.

"What do you want?" I snap though I don't mean to. He steps closer to me, too close, but I can't move.

He steps even closer, to the point that we're face to face. My heart skips a beat and my breath hitches. I think he notices because he gets EVEN closer. Then, he kisses me soft and tender first, then deep and passionate the next minute. I let myself sink into the kiss... But then... Oh my gosh!! What am I doing?!? IHAVE a boyfriend!! Well, technically, we're just trying things out but STILL!! I tell myself to push back, but instead, my arms go around his neck. I can't help it; it feels so good. I hate myself for thinking that.

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