Chapter four: Eyes on the Prize

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"Good morning, New York City," I say through a yawn. I get up and walk to my bathroom but stop when I hear a loud thud. I quickly tiptoe downstairs to investigate but stop when I hear two male voices.

"Dude, careful! We don't want to wake her up!" One says in a loud whisper.

"Well, don't blame me! HE dropped it!" Another replied. Three people! I locked the front door, right? Maybe I didn't... Nah, I did. Maybe one of my friends let them in, either way, I need to know who they are. I carefully crept to the kitchen where the noises came from. I poked my head through the door ever so slightly, to my surprise, they weren't familiar to me! They were all male, which is kind of a problem it made me wonder.

"Where did they come from?" I mumbled.

At that point, I knew I should get help... But part of me didn't. I hate that part of me. I descended the rest of the stairs. (Wait!? Wasn't I already at the kitchen??)

I crept towards the kitchen where the noise was coming from and peek inside. I try my best not to make a sound, but the darn door creaked as I opened it! They all froze when they saw me, so I just decided to... Gently close the door. I take a few steps back, then bolted back upstairs as fast as I could.

I shut my bedroom door with a loud bang, Geez! Whoops... Whatever can't think about that right now. I start searching for my phone, sifting through my purse for it. Then I hear the doorknob jiggle... Oh no, I didn't lock my door, did I? Crud muffins!!

I rush into my closet to hide from the intruder. I could hear the footsteps outside as they search around my room. I tried my best to stay calm, but I was really starting to freak out!

"Eh, no ones in here!" He shouted with a British accent; one I hadn't noticed until now. I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I had, then immediately regret it. I cover my mouth and hoped he didn't hear me. I was wrong, my closet door swung open, revealing me to my intruder. I scream. I couldn't help it, it just happened.

I open my eyes to find my intruder... Halfway across the room? Whatever just happened, it can wait! I dash out my room, and out of the house faster than you can blink. But then it occurred to me, what if these people were robbing the house! But then again, it looked like they were setting something up, not taking anything.

Moments later, a clothed hand goes over my mouth!! I try my best not to breathe in and start thrashing about to remove my captor. I fail and everything around me fades to black.

I wake up shortly after, hearing the sound of arguing voices. I try opening my eyes, but they feel too heavy, so I just listen.

"Why on EARTH would you knock her out!?!" One says, clearly agitated. 

"She was gonna escape, what else was I supposed to do?" The one with the accent said. 

"We are in SO much trouble..." One mumbles to himself. What the heck is going on! I thought. I needed answers, but I wasn't gonna find them like this.

"What the HECK is going on!? Who are you guys!?" I say as loud as I could. They all turn to look at me like they weren't expecting me to say something. 

They all looked at me with shocked faces... Well, two outta three did; one of them had an unreadable expression. 

"How in the world are you awake right now?" Asked expressionless accent. I glared at him; Hmm, I thought, I definitely don't like him much. 

"Where. Are. My. Friends." I say coldly. To the left of me, I see Mr. Worrywart check his phone.

"Guys... We need to go, they're waiting," He says. I was about to ask what he meant by that, but once again I'm knocked out.

Fuzzy... Everything's fuzzy. I hear a voice, no two... Three maybe? It's hard to hear with all the ringing. I open my eyes, but something's covering them. So I spoke instead.

"Hey, what's the deal with these restraints?" I sensed they must've turned to look at me. Then I hear a voice... A very familiar voice. 

"Okay Elena, I'm gonna remove the blindfold. Now when I do, promise me you won't freak out, okay?" It says. Well, that depends mysteriously familiar voice, I thought. "Okay, I promise," I say to him. 

He carefully removes my blindfold (although I wouldn't call it that) from my face. My eyes sting from the exposure of the lights, but they quickly adjust. 

 "Yusei!?! What in the world is going on!?" 

Upon me saying that I realized there were a LOT more people in this room, and all eyes were on me.

"Okay look, Elena...there were a lot of ways today could've gone better. My friends who brought you here could've... I don't know ... ASKED you to come. Anyway, you're here now and that's what counts." Explained Yusei. Oh, I get it...not really but okay, I thought.

"Oh okay, but that doesn't excuse the fact they pretty much kidnapped me," I say to him, he visibly flinches. I decided to quickly change the subject.

"So...these must be the rest of your friends? Nice, can I go home now?"

"Sure, I'll take you home." Offered Yusei.

"So... Those were ALL your friends, huh?" I ask, he nods. "Cool, I recognize most of them, but not all of them."

"Here we are!" He announces to me. Great, I say to myself, home.

"I hope this won't happen again... Maybe next time invite me over instead." I say, "I can't wait to meet the rest of them one day."

I give him a kiss on the cheek, and we say our goodbyes. I open my door; the house is how I left it. Good nothings missing, I thought, I hope. How could this have all been a misunderstanding? 

Today's just been weird, I guess... I don't know.

Well, I better get some rest for whatever tomorrow brings. I walk up the rest of the stairs to my room.

"Ugh, I just wanna sleep the rest of my life," I mumble as I get undressed. Everything will be better after tomorrow... Yeah, totally... Ugh, bedtime! I need some sleep because the night is never long enough.

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