Chapter eleven: And So It Begins...

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I wake up before my alarm this morning, I don't know why; for some reason, I just felt like doing it. Like something big was gonna happen today.

"Elena! Come downstairs! There's, like, this package for you!" I hear Bedelia shout as I was getting dressed. Huh, weird I thought, heading for my door.

"Okay! I'm coming down!" I reply.

"There you are, come take a look at this," Lia says, guiding me to the study area.

"It's a cake, but there's nothing on the note it came with, only your name." She says, handing me the notecard.

"Well, that's weird, I don't recognize the handwriting either... Odd." I reply, placing the note back.

"You should check it for chemicals or something, just to be safe." She counters, walking off. I shrug it off and was about to walk off when suddenly everything about this cake was perfect!

"I should have some..." I tell myself and before I knew it, I've had a piece of cake.

"Hmm, not bad..." I mumbled, walking off and towards the front door.

"...Uh, Elena..." Ava says from behind me.

"Hm?" I say, turning, "Something awuah! You're shrinking!"

"More like you're growing!" Bedelia shouts.

"Outside! Quick!" Joy yells at me. I rush out the door, just barely making it through. Bedelia was right, I was growing.

"What's happening to me?" I squeak out as I stepped into the street.

"Elena!!!" I hear Ava shout from behind me.

"Oh geez, you guys, what am I gonna do?" I asked as I turned. They all looked at each other then back to me and shrugged.

"Maybe it's linked to emotion!? Try to calm down!" Ava shouted. Guess I could try that I thought with a shrug. My actions get interrupted by the screams of bystanders, hearing things like "Monster!", "Call the Avengers!", "Someone, help us!", and "Have mercy!"

"Ack, nonononono...Hey!! No!! Focus on us! Remember!? Calm!!!" Ava shouts as I start walking- or more like tiptoeing – trying to reassure people I wasn't a threat.

I watch my friend walk away from us, doing her best at whatever she's doing. That girl never listens, does she? I thought, facepalming as I signed.

"Ava, what are we going to do now?" Bedelia asks, determination in her eyes.

"Follow her." We took off without another word.

Was that a bad thing to abandon my friends like that? Maybe I should've listened to Ava? I keep getting bigger! Will I just keep on growing!?! I stop in my tracks when I hear jet engines. I turn my head and spot the Avenjet. Looks like someone did call the Avengers... I thought, Ooor they saw me, looking past the jet and seeing the tower in plain view.

"This is great! Some of them will recognize me!" I say, reassuring myself. I watch the jet land nearby and smile a little.

"Elena!!"I hear my friends shout; my smile gets even bigger.

"Guys, the Avengers are here, I'm certain they can help," I whisper cuz I'm kinda sorta taller than the buildings nearby and I feel like I would blow everyone's eardrums out if I spoke any louder. I felt something sting the back of my neck.

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