Chapter eight: Trapped

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Warning: Read with caution, kiddos!

Oh dear God, what have I gotten myself into?  I thought, wishing I had never come here in the first place.

"Ooh, it looks like you caught a nice lookin' one, good job, Thad," Tommy says as he walks over to examine me. Ugh, it's that guy from earlier I thought with a sigh. He crouches down on one knee and extends his hand out towards me, probably to touch my face.

I turn my head away in hope that he'll take it as an 'I'm not interested, back off!' it didn't work though. His fingers traced the right side of my face, I squirm under his touch. He chuckles and gently slides his hand farther down towards my neck. I shiver and suck in a breath, oh why me? I thought. He chuckles again, gets up then walks over to Thad.

I curl into a ball, wishing I could hide forever or go home (I'm mostly leaning towards going home though). I press my face into my knees and I'm on the verge of tears when a hand appears on my shoulder. I look over and see the familiar adorable face of Bart.

"I can get you outta here without them noticing, but it'll be a little tricky." He said.

"You can? Well, please do! I'm incredibly desperate." I replied. He nodded and walked over towards Thad and Tommy. They talk for a while then Bart does something with his hands that, I'm guessing, means 'get the F out!" so I do. Once outside, I run as fast as I could (to hell with try'na look normal!) to the elevator. Aaaand, then I crash into someone.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there," I say while rubbing my sore bottom. I look up to see who I crashed into (but really, it felt more like I got flung a few inches back). It was another teenager... Oh dear, I thought, please not again.

"Nah, it's okay really, I should look where I'm going next time." He replies with a kind and genuine smile.

"I don't think I've seen you around here be... Fore..." He starts as he looks down at me, his eyes go wide, and he went a deep red.

"Huh? Is something wrong?" I ask, looking down to where he's looking and OH MY GAWD I'm not wearing a shirt!! Oh no, it's still in Natasha's room! I thought. I quickly cover myself (as best as I could at least) and bolt past the boy I'd just embarrassed.

"Hey, uh wait up!" I hear him say behind me. I ignore him at first but then I feel a hand clamp around my shoulder and I get turned around.

"What do you w-" I get interrupted by him kissing me. Oh no, not him too! I thought I don't even know his name!  

His kiss is so soft and tender, almost as if he's done this more than once. We pull apart and, breathlessly, I ask...

"So, what's your name, stranger?" He looks into my eyes then down at my cleavage then back to my eyes.

"The people 'round here call me Teddy." He says, his blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. I giggle and say, "Well, nice to meet you, my name's Elena." 

Just then, I hear an angry voice and, as I look over Teddy's shoulder, I see a very determined (and mildly annoyed) Thad. Oh crap. Fear shoots through my whole body as I make a run for it, (cuz that's a clever idea!) but he catches up to me.

"Hey, hey, I'm here to make a deal, okay? Stop wiggling." I reluctantly do what he says since I have no other option right now.

"I can get you home... But I want something in return." He says.

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