POTS - jonah

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Waking up after another night of virtually no sleep, Jonah already knew it wouldn't be the best day. Dizziness swept over him, drowning him in hazy waves as he swayed on his feet.

Jonah waited a second for it to subside as he took a seat on the edge of his bed, head grasped in between his hands as he felt a headache coming on.

"Jonah! We need to leave in thirty minutes, hurry up before you're late!" The booming voice of Daniel passed through Jonah's door and to his ears.

Sighing, Jonah ignored his sudden lightheadedness as he stood and headed into the bathroom to get ready. Everyone had been up before him, which was unusual, though the other boys brushed it off as exhaustion. They were busy, today being no exception, much to Jonah's displeasure.

Quickly showering and getting dressed, Jonah headed downstairs to meet up with the rest of the boys.

They all exchanged good mornings, Corbyn frowning as he watched Jonah skip past the food they left him and head straight for the coffee machine.

"You know, it's not healthy to live off of coffee. You should eat something."

Jonah only chuckled, popping a coffee pod into the Keurig before turning around to face Corbyn. Jonah leaned slightly against the countertop, subtly resting as his dizziness had yet to go away.

He only smirked at the boy, redness rushing to Corbyn's cheeks at what just a simple grin did to him. "Don't worry, Bean. I'll eat something later, not really hungry right now." He shrugged casually, turning back to his coffee.

Once he was turned around he shut his eyes, breathing out shakily as the mere thought of food right now left him nauseous. Tears stung the back of his eyes as he opened them again, quickly blinking them away as his heart pounded out of his chest. His shaky hands reached for his mug, almost dropping it with how much his hands shook with nerves.

They couldn't find out something was wrong.

Jack raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything. For that, Jonah was grateful. The questions would just worsen his anxiety, and he didn't need that right now.

Jonah didn't know how he was going to survive a day full of interviews, he couldn't even make a cup of coffee without almost messing up.

Jonah laughed along with the rest as the interviewer asked unimportant questions that they'd answered thirty times already. His discomfort was hidden well, the smile plastered onto his face as he payed attention to the interviewer giving no hint to how awful he truly felt. Though slightly better now that he was sitting, Jonah still wasn't feeling the best.

His palms were sweating as his knee shook, only noticeable to Corbyn, who had placed a hand on his knee halfway through the interview. The quick pace of Jonah's heart had increased its speed tenfold, desperately ramming against the walls of his ribcage as it tried to break free.

Corbyn's hand stayed the entire time, only lifting when the interview was over. They all raised their hands, smiling as they waved at the camera. Once he was sure the camera was shut off, Jonah raised from his seat, stumbling slightly as the fast motion left him lightheaded.

"Woah, be more careful, Jo. We don't need you falling over." The sweet voice belonging to the devil himself spoke in Jonah's ear. His chuckles sending shudders down his spine as Corbyn caught Jonah last second.

Jonah cleared his throat, stepping away as he turned to face him. Corbyn sent him the same dazzling grin he always seemed to have on. "Thanks." Jonah muttered, excusing himself to the bathroom as he stumbled out of the room.

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