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this was requested so long
ago i'm so sorry 🥺

tw !!!
mentions sexual assault,
not really descriptive or
anything though !

Jonah felt himself getting lost in the party scene. Having a decent amount of time off from touring and only going along for studio time, his window of opportunity opened up for the first time in what felt like forever.

Getting away from the stress of work was relieving, seeking it in the form of alcohol and lingering in the presence of his newest friends.

The group he hung around wasn't the best for him, Jonah was more than aware of that. The many late nights or early mornings he spent getting lectured by one of the boys began to pile up. They were frustrated, helplessly watching their best friend waste his days on partying around a toxic group of people.

Despite the music being a little too loud and the air too warm against his skin, Jonah felt like he was floating.

The combination of a little alcohol and a few hits from a blunt that was passed around the room he was just in, he felt the most at ease he had in a while.

Jonah passed by the kitchen on his way outside, messily filling a cup half way with whatever bottle he had picked up, spilling some as it sloshed over when someone stumbled past him.

Jonah didn't mind, humming quietly to the song playing before leaving, walking out to the backyard. He lit up as he spotted a few familiar faces, a group of people he usually met with at these parties.

"Jonah!" One of the guys, Josh, shouted out. "We've been waiting for you, come on!"

Jonah walked over to where they all sat, not recognizing a few of the others in the circle.

"Hey, Jo. Watcha got there?" A girl, Madison, asked. She reached forward, taking his cup from his hands and taking a sip. "Ew, I am not a vodka person."

"Yeah, cause you only like your fruity-girly drinks!" A guy laughed, pulling Madison into his side. His name was Tom, him and Madison were dating—or at least, Jonah noted how they were all over each other at each party he'd seen them at.

"You guys are dumb," A boy scoffed, taking a sip from his own drink between his hands. "I for one like these 'fruity-girly drinks'. Don't you, Jo?"

Carter always had a way of getting under Jonah's skin—in a weirdly good way. He was drawn to him as soon as he'd been introduced to them all by a girl named Lucy, who was currently sat next to Madison and another guy, Ben.

Jonah nodded, meeting Carter's eyes from across the circle as he took a sip of his own drink. His nose scrunched up in distaste, coughing lightly as the alcohol burned down his throat.

"Yeah, I'm not a fan of vodka either."

A laugh erupted around the group, chatter continuing from there. Jonah mainly sat and listened, enjoying their company despite not talking.

At one point, Jonah looked up and made eye contact with Carter. The boy winked at him, leaving Jonah feeling flustered and warm head to toe, even through the cool July night.

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