DRUNK DRIVER pt.2 - zach

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yo this ones so fucking long for no reason at all LMAOO I GOT CARRIED AWAY

but hi I'm finally updating lmao

works been killing me the past few weeks OOP but I've been writing I promise

I just went through all the comments and I'm working on requests !! I'm so sorry I haven't gotten to much :/

read part 1 first <33

Daniel blinked in confusion as he ended his call with Zach, minutes going by with no response.

"You okay, Dani?" Jonah asked, walking out of the bathroom in their hotel room.

"I'm not sure." He mumbled, turning his phone over and over again in his hands. Jonah looked at him, silently urging him to continue. "It's Zach." Daniel finally said, Jonah perking up.

"Is he coming back yet?"

"I...don't know." Daniel was worried. He wasn't sure what was going on, and the fact that Zach wouldn't answer him made him nervous beyond belief. "He called me a few minutes ago but wasn't saying anything. All I heard was the sound of a car and then...rain. That's the only thing I could hear." Daniel told Jonah, getting increasingly more anxious about the whole situation as he continued.

"Have you checked where he is?" Jonah asked, not liking what Daniel was telling him.

Daniel shook his head, immediately going to the tracking app him and the boys had signed up for awhile back. It was helpful when they needed to know where the others were and if there was ever an emergency.

"He's about twenty minutes from here." Daniel told Jonah, looking up from the phone.

"Maybe he just dropped his phone?" Jonah asked, biting his lip nervously.

"I'll keep an eye, you try calling him." Jonah agreed and picked up his phone, calling Zach and waiting. Daniel watched as Zach stayed, Jonah groaning in frustration after the third call.

"It went straight to voicemail." Jonah told him, getting interrupted further by a phone call. He picked it up quickly, just in case it was Zach.

"Hello?" Daniel stared at Jonah expectantly, watching his face fall the longer the call went on. "Is he okay?" Jonah asked, nodding to himself as the voice spoke on the other end. "O-okay. Thank you."

"What's wrong? Was it Zach?" Jonah just shook his head as he tossed Daniel a jacket.

"Go get Corbyn and Jack and meet me down in the lobby." Jonah said instead, Daniel letting out a noise of frustration as Jonah walked away.

"Wait!" Daniel called, catching the door right before it slammed closed behind Jonah. "Jo, where are we going?"

"We need to get to the hospital. Something happened to Zach."

Daniel felt his heart stop, tripping over his own feet as he halted in his steps. "What?" His voice was quiet, barely audible as Jonah stopped too.

He sighed, walking back to Daniel and pulled him into a hug. "Get Jack and Corbyn. I'm gonna get an Uber, I'll wait downstairs. Just...hurry, okay?" Daniel could hear the strain in Jonah's voice as he kept himself together, Daniel pulling back and patting his face in a comforting way.

"We'll be down in a second." He promised, getting a nod from Jonah who had already began to order an Uber. He disappeared down the hall to the elevator as Daniel made his way to Corbyn's room, already knowing Jack would be with him.

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