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(I wanted to find something else while still including what you wanted since I already did a dysphoria one sksks sorry)

thanks for all the comments when I asked who I should do ! Daniel was the first to be said so that's who I'm doing. others on the way !!

sorry it's a little late. a family emergency came up and I haven't been as active the past week.

thank you for 8k <3 :)

Daniel was in the middle of eating and talking with the boys out at lunch, and he knew. He felt himself pause for a second, his body stiffening as a frown appeared on his face. His entire stomach dropped when he recognized the feeling, not in the mood for this at all.

"I-I'm gonna use the bathroom." Daniel stood abruptly from the table, not waiting for a response as he rushed towards the bathroom at the back of the restaurant they were at.

"Shit!" Daniel cursed, voice hushed in a whisper. He closed his eyes, trying to think of what to do right now. He didn't have anything on him, the boys didn't know, he couldn't tell them, so they wouldn't be able to help him. "Fuck it."

Daniel balled up toilet paper, laying it carefully in his underwear and ignoring the slightly uncomfortable feeling of it all bunched up when he stood. Making sure it wasn't noticeable and it was all situated right, he nodded to himself before leaving the stall and washing his hands. Before he left, Daniel leaned on the counter, shutting his eyes as tears pricked the corners.

Daniel hated this more than anything. The fact that he still got his period just made him feel more awful about himself than normal. Daniel would feel good about himself, confident in himself, and then his period would come to crash down on him and ruin everything. His dysphoria would shoot through the roof, Daniel not knowing how to handle it all sometimes.

It didn't happen as often as it normally would've, considering Daniel had been on hormones for the past few years, but it still happened occasionally. This usually led to Daniel not being properly prepared for the situation, ending just how Daniel was now. Having a near breakdown in the men's room of a restaurant.

Daniel wiped his eyes before tears could come down, reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. He quickly called his mom, deciding to take it outside when someone walked into the bathroom.

"Hey, mom." Daniel smiled as soon as she picked up, voice shaky as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. He passed the table on his way outside to talk to his mom, giving the guys a slight wave as they looked at him in confusion.

"Hi, baby. Is everything okay?" Keri could hear the waver in her sons voice, sitting up from where she'd been leaning into her husbands side. He gave her a questioning look, Keri mouthing 'Daniel' back at him. Jeff nodded, turning the tv down so she could talk to him.

"Yeah, no, everything's good." Daniel sighed, digging his foot into the ground. "I just...I miss you." He confessed, really needing his mom right now.

"We miss you too, Daniel. Are you sure everything's okay?"

"I got it again." Daniel told her, knowing she would understand. "It just hasn't happened in a few months an-and it makes me feel like complete shit. I didn't know what to do, so I called you."

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