HANAHAKI DISEASE - daniel & zach

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for anyone who doesn't know, hanahaki disease is a FICTIONAL disease in which the person suffers from coughing up flower petals due to a one sided love. The disease only ends when the one they love confesses or realizes their love for them and it's no longer unrequited, or the person dies from the disease.

I'm really excited for this one eek

this is also really long I'm sorry


The burning in Daniel's throat worsened as the petals belonging to a yellow tulip climbed their way up from inside him. The colorful petals now dipped in crimson came up, falling harshly into the water below.

Daniel rose shakily to his feet, pulling the handle down and watching as his worst nightmare yet best daydream rotated and spun, going down and disappearing. The flowers represented everything that Daniel resented in life, the hatred he held towards this disease was carried in every colored petal.

Yet, Daniel adored them. He loved them, because they represented what he loved most in this world. Daniel's relationship with them were complicated, a battle between love and hate as he refused to get rid of them. As he finished washing his hands and rinsing his mouth, Daniel settled with hate for today.

It had been two months since he was diagnosed with the dreaded Hanahaki disease. The illness attacking its victim from the inside, cursing them with the burden of coughing up flower petals day by day. All in the name of love.

The love of his life didn't return his love, as far as Daniel was aware, and there was no way he was admitting to his feelings.

When the doctors had told Daniel, they gave him the option of having it surgically removed, but Daniel turned it down almost immediately. Getting them removed meant he would forget his love, forget all about the love he held. He didn't want that. They suggested he confess his feelings, if he wouldn't accept the surgery, but Daniel could never. He didn't even want to think of his reaction to Daniel confessing his undying love for him.

After that, they gave him six months to live.

The disease was killing him, the petals coming up more rapidly as time went on. Daniel hated every moment of this. Somedays, he wished he never felt anything for the boy who would never return his feelings. His love for him was physically making Daniel sick, killing him slowly and not at all gently. The intensity of Daniel's love was what made the disease more painful, what made it act quicker than most.

The process before his inevitable death was slow and painful and he regretted ever falling.

And yet, Daniel still wouldn't give up the love he felt for anything in the world. He had a chance to save himself, right at his fingertips, all he had to do was reach a little further and he wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

Tears streamed down Daniel's cheeks, the boy only wiping them away before glancing at himself in the mirror. He rinsed his face before turning and walking out of the bathroom, not looking forward to the day at all.

Daniel couldn't focus on anything. The voices around him all faded into one, hazy cloud of nothingness.

The boys were in the middle of an interview, but Daniel couldn't find himself caring enough to pay attention.

He was zoned out, staring at a blank wall in despair as a tickle started in his throat. Daniel cleared his throat, only making it worse as he let out a gentle cough.

It was days like these that Daniel wished he had taken the chance at getting the surgery. It would've saved him so much hurting. Instead he was stuck with a painful reminder everyday that resided deep within him, making surprise appearances whenever they pleased.

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