SHOT - jack

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WARNINGS: mentions of guns, blood, etc.

"all the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run–faster than my bullet."

Jack laughed as his sisters sung along to the radio, loudly and totally off key. He smiled as he watched Ava and Isla dancing in the back seat through the rear view mirror. Sydnie only smiled with him, shaking her head at them all as Jack soon joined in.

"You're all idiots." She laughed, shoving Jack's hand away as he tried to poke her cheek. "Keep your eyes on the road."

Jack laughed loudly, smiling at his older sister. "Come on, Syd. Have some fun!" She rolled her eyes at him, chuckling as they continued to dance and sing unnecessarily loud—just for her. Minutes later, they pulled into the small gas station, Jack parking in front of a pump before grabbing his wallet.

"Anybody want anything while I'm paying?" Ava shook her head, while Sydnie asked for a water. He nodded, about to get out when a voice spoke up from the back.

"Can I come with you, Jacky?" Jack grinned, nodding his head at his little sister.

"Of course, princess. Let's go." Isla quickly got out of the car, grabbing Jack's hand as she skipped inside. They grabbed Sydnie's water, Jack letting Isla pick out a candy before he went up to pay for them both and the gas he needed.

As they stood behind a man and a couple on line, Jack noticed something in the mans hand. He frowned, not being able to tell what it was. He shrugged his shoulders, brushing it off as nothing as Isla spoke to him. He looked down at her, listening intently before a gasp was heard.

Jack's head snapped up, eyes widening as the man at the front held a gun to the poor cashiers head. Jack immediately pulled Isla behind him, watching the older man. He looked like he had worked here for a long time, eyes wide as he avoided looking at the gun pointed directly at him. He looked down as he shakily followed the mans instructions, taking all the money out of the cash register.

The couple in front of them backed away slightly, the mans wife pulled behind him as he whispered her to get somewhere safer. The man at the counter was too busy with the money and making sure the man was doing a he asked to notice as the lady grabbed Isla's hand, getting them further back in the store. They couldn't leave, the bell on the door would give them away quickly if they tried to leave. Jack wouldn't risk that.

It seemed the man had the same idea as him. Jack's main priority was getting Isla safe, as the man was with his wife, trying to get them away few at a time as to not grab the attention of the guy ahead of them, still holding the worker at gunpoint.

Jack slowly backed away, heart pounding as he heard small sniffles towards the back of the store. He gulped as he made small steps, focused on not making any noise to alert the robber. Jack and the man continued back into the aisle, Jack just wanting to get them all—especially Isla—out of here.

Paying too much attention to the man—who was now urging the older cashier to hurry up as he stuffed the money into a bag—he didn't look where he was going as Jack tripped over a stand. The robber turned, panicking at the sight of them and pulling the trigger.

His eyes widened slightly, seeming surprised even at himself for shooting. He didn't know what to do, choosing to dash out of the door while he still could. The worker was scrambling for the phone to call the police, quickly telling them there had been a robbery and someone got shot.

Not a second later, they heard the screeching sound of car tires as he sped away from the gas station, leaving behind more damage than planned.

Jack didn't notice the severe amount of pain he was in until he had fallen, not remembering it as he was suddenly on the floor. He was on his back, the man next to him kneeled at his side, not knowing what to do. He tore off his coat quickly, applying pressure to the wound in his chest.

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