ANXIETY - zach

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warning: mentions of anxiety and anxiety attack

Sitting in the studio, Zach smiled gently as he watched his boyfriend in the booth recording his part in one of the songs they'd been working on.

Taking a break to work on music and themselves was one of the best decisions they could've made. There hadn't been a time that Zach had felt better, feeling generally content with his life at the moment.

After so many months touring the world and playing shows, all while writing and recording new songs to release, Zach had begun to feel drained.

His anxiety was at its peak in the last months of them working, finally easing once he'd had a moment to breathe.

Despite loving what he did, the music industry made Zach feel trapped at times. He felt claustrophobic with people breathing down his neck every second of the day, not able to get his own space as long as they wanted something from them.

But right now, sitting comfortably on the couch in their studio as he watched Daniel in his element, Zach's mind had never felt more at ease.


The night before their first show back, Zach couldn't help as his thoughts ate him alive. His nerves about coming back were breaking through, showering him in doubts and worries over situations that would likely never happen.

Zach was sat up in bed, blankets pooled around his waist and hands piled on his lap as he waited for Daniel to come to bed. He stared straight ahead at the wall, unknowingly biting his lip as he became more anxious as the seconds without Daniel passed.

The click of the bathroom light turning off went unheard by Zach. The soft padding of feet coming closer to their bed not catching his attention, too lost in thought to hear anything around him.

"Babe?" Daniel asked quietly, placing a hand on Zach's shoulder gently.

The touch snapped Zach out of his daze, his body relaxing once he'd caught sight of a concerned looking Daniel.

"You scared me." Zach chuckled slightly, moving to lay down as Daniel got under the covers.

"Sorry. Did you not hear me come in?"

Zach shrugged. "Guess not."

Daniel sighed, wrapping an arm around Zach's waist and pulling his back into his chest.

"Are you okay, angel?" Daniel asked quietly, placing a kiss on the back of Zach's neck.

Zach sighed in content, nodding his head. "Just tired. Don't worry, Dani."

"You don't worry." Daniel retorted, Zach turning around slightly to look back at Daniel. "About tomorrow. You've been on stage a hundred times. Everything will go perfectly, okay?"

Zach smiled, leaning in to peck his lips quickly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Daniel smiled back, kissing his cheek lovingly before Zach settled back down, letting Daniel hold him as the two fell asleep.

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